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ޢާންމު މަޢުލޫމާތު ހދ.ކުރިނބި އަންހެނުންގެ ތަރައްޤީއަށް މަސައްކަތްކުރާ ކޮމިޓީގެ ބައި-އިލެކްޝަން - ވޯޓުލުމަށް ރަޖިސްޓަރީ ވެފައިވާ ފޮށީގެ މަޢުލޫމާތު ހިމެނޭ ރަޖިސްޓަރީ އާންމުކޮށް، މި ރަޖިސްޓަރީއަށް ޝަކުވާ ހުޅުވާލުން
The Elections Commissions is an independent government body established in 2008 to ensure that all elections in the Maldives adhere to democratic values enabling maximum public participation in an independent, just, transparent election process.
Announcement for International Observers and Monitors to Observe/Monitor the Electoral Process of the 2024 Parliamentary Elections of the Maldives
The Elections Commissions is an independent government body established in 2008 to ensure that all elections in the Maldives adhere to democratic values enabling maximum public participation in an independent, just, transparent election process.
The Elections Commissions is an independent government body established in 2008 to ensure that all elections in the Maldives adhere to democratic values enabling maximum public participation in an independent, just, transparent election process.
The Elections Commissions is an independent government body established in 2008 to ensure that all elections in the Maldives adhere to democratic values enabling maximum public participation in an independent, just, transparent election process.
The Elections Commissions is an independent government body established in 2008 to ensure that all elections in the Maldives adhere to democratic values enabling maximum public participation in an independent, just, transparent election process.
Election Commission of Maldives The Elections Commissions is an independent government body established in 2008 to ensure that all elections in the Maldives adhere to democratic values enabling maximum public participation in an independent, just, transparent election process.
The Elections Commissions is an independent government body established in 2008 to ensure that all elections in the Maldives adhere to democratic values enabling maximum public participation in an independent, just, transparent election process.
The Elections Commission (EC) of Maldives was established on 7 August 2008 as an independent and impartial institution to conduct and supervise all state elections and public referendums as well as to monitor the regulatory framework pertaining to the functioning of political parties.