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  2. Blocked tear duct - Symptoms & causes - Mayo Clinic


    Symptoms of a blocked tear duct include: Excessive tearing; Redness of the white part of the eye; Recurrent eye infection or inflammation, known as pink eye; Painful swelling near the inside corner of the eye; Crusting of the eyelids; Mucus or pus discharge from the lids and surface of the eye; Blurred vision

  3. Blocked tear duct - Diagnosis & treatment - Mayo Clinic


    Tests used to diagnose a blocked tear duct include: Tear drainage test. This test measures how quickly your tears are draining. One drop of a special dye is placed on the surface of each eye. You may have a blocked tear duct if after five minutes most of the dye is still on the surface of your eye. Irrigation and probing.

  4. Blocked tear duct - Mayo Clinic


    When you have a blocked tear duct, your tears can't drain normally, leaving you with a watery, irritated eye. The condition is caused by a partial or complete obstruction in the tear drainage system. A blocked tear duct is common in newborns.

  5. Blocked tear duct - Doctors and departments - Mayo Clinic


    Watery, irritated eyes may occur when your tears can't drain normally. Learn about this common eye condition that affects newborns and sometimes, adults.

  6. Dry eyes - Symptoms & causes - Mayo Clinic


    Eyes feeling dry and uncomfortable? Inadequate tear production is a common — and very treatable — eye condition. Find out what causes it and how to relieve symptoms.

  7. Pink eye (conjunctivitis) - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic


    Pink eye is most often caused by a viral infection. It also can be caused by a bacterial infection, an allergic reaction or — in babies — an incompletely opened tear duct. Though pink eye can be irritating, it rarely affects your vision. Treatments can help ease the discomfort of pink eye.

  8. Blocked tear ducts / stents fell out… next - Mayo Clinic Connect


    My tear ducts are blocked from trauma of long term inflammation after getting poison in my eyes. I am constantly wiping the tears of my eyes so they don’t roll down my face. The tears also impede my vision.

  9. Mammary duct ectasia - Symptoms & causes - Mayo Clinic


    Mammary duct ectasia (ek-TAY-zhuh) occurs when one or more milk ducts beneath your nipple widens. The duct walls may thicken, and the duct may fill with fluid. The milk duct may become blocked or clogged with a thick, sticky substance.

  10. Watery eyes When to see a doctor - Mayo Clinic


    In babies and children, blocked tear ducts are the most common cause of persistent watery eyes. The tear ducts don't make tears. Rather, they carry away tears, like how a storm drain carries away rainwater.

  11. Medicine causes - Mayo Clinic


    In babies and children, blocked tear ducts are the most common cause of persistent watery eyes. The tear ducts don't make tears. Rather, they carry away tears, like how a storm drain carries away rainwater.