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what is cypionate's half life? the only other test with a short half life i can only find a prop/suspension combo. how painful is suspension to inject? how painful is straight propionate.
As a general rule, you want to start the PCT 4-5 days after your last injection if you used short-estered steroids (such as testosterone propionate and Masteron propionate) or did an oral-only cycle. If you used longer-estered steroids (such as testosterone cypionate or Masteron enanthate), start the PCT 10-14 days after your last injection.
23. Experienced Bodybuilders quit Deca use before stopping Testosterone in a Cycle. Because of Nandrolone's long active half life, many experienced steroid users stop using it before they quit testosterone in a test deca cycle. This is done to ensure that testosterone and deca both leave your system before beginning post-cycle therapy.
4.5 is the half life of Test E. Test cyp is also very close. Test prop would be far less, I am estimating ~ 1-2 days. Once a week injects is NOT enough for enanthate, unless you want sub-optimal blood levels.
So if one half life is 5 days, one should start post therapy 10 days after last injection ?
Testosterone is testosterone. The ester the drug is bound to changes the half life and detection time of the drug. The ester does not change the drug itself. For example testosterone enanthate, testosterone cypionate and testosterone propionate all deliver the drug testosterone. The only difference between the three is the half life and ...
I find most distributors of powder Test will only sell in large quantities. Douse anyone know what the shelf life is for Testosterone Cypionate in powder form? Is there a best storage method to extend this life (i.e. vacuum sealer, desiccant bags, freeze). Not looking to distribute only personal...
New member. The following shows how much testosterone is in 100mg and the figure in parenthesis is the ester chain molecular weight (MW) in case you which to apply this to nandralone, trenbolone e.t.c. All you need is the MW of that steroid. Test. Prop 84mg (56.1) Test. Isocaproate 75mg (98.2) Test. Enanthate 72mg (112.2)
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AAS Half-Lives and Detection Times Drug Half lives Clen 36-48hrs halo 9-10 hours anavar 9 hours anadrol 7-15 hours susp 2-3 hours primo 5-7 days stanazol 9 hours (oral) Winny is composed of crystals, impossible to determine the half-life. arimidex 48hrs (2 days) dbol 3.2-4.5hrs clomid 5 days Ester Half-life formate 1.5 days acetate 3 days