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Implementation of HMIS is a requirement for receipt of HUD McKinney-Vento funding. The Coalition for the Homeless is the HMIS lead agency to The Way Home Continuum of Care. What is HMIS? HMIS stands for Homeless Management Information System.
The Coalition for the Homeless of Houston/Harris County acts as a catalyst, uniting partners and maximizing resources to move people experiencing homelessness into permanent housing with supportive services.
The Coalition for the Homeless of Houston/Harris County (CFTH), a 501c3, is the lead agency to The Way Home. people housed since 2012. success rate in housing programs. unique people accessed homeless assistance in 2022. in CoC funding awarded to partners of The Way Home by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in 2023.
The TX-700 CoC’s (more commonly known as The Way Home) HMIS is staffed at the Coalition for the Homeless. The Coalition’s HMIS staff is responsible for the administration of the HMIS software and providing technical assistance to participating agencies and end-users.
Coalition for the Homeless of Houston/Harris County. 2000 Crawford St, Suite 700 Houston, TX 77002 Phone: 713-739-7514 Fax: 713-739-8038 Why use HMIS? The Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) National Data and Technical Standards establish baseline standards for participation, data
The Coalition for the Homeless of Houston/Harris County, a 501c3, is the lead agency to The Way Home. The Way Home is the name for our local Continuum of Care (CoC), TX-700. Learn more about CoCs here.
As the HMIS lead we are the entity designated by the Continuum of Care in accordance with the HMIS Proposed Rule (24 CFR Part 580) to operate the Continuum's HMIS on the Continuum's behalf. The TX-700 Continuum of Care’s (CoC) HMIS is staffed at the Coalition for the Homeless.
Specifically, an HMIS can be used to produce an unduplicated count of homeless persons, understand patterns of service use, and measure the effectiveness of homeless programs. The TX-700 Continuum of Care’s (CoC) HMIS is staffed at the Coalition for the Homeless.
CFTH is a nonprofit that unites partners & maximizes resources to move people experiencing homelessness into permanent housing with supportive services. CFTH is the designated lead agency to The...
In January, Houston began Phase 1 of Coordinated Access. Coordinated Access is a new and more efficient delivery system to quickly end homelessness for individuals and families.