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On Jan. 31, snowpack in Central Sierra was 53% of normal, while Southern Sierra was at 36%, data from the California Department of Water Resources shows. As of Feb. 14, those numbers are at 70% ...
Satellite images seen below from NASA's Earth Observing System Data and Information System, or EOSDIS, show the snowy Sierra on March 16 (left), and a month later (right).
In April 2020, snowpack was at 50% of average levels for April. In April 2021, the figure was 62%. By April 2022, snowpack was at just 35% of average levels.
New satellite photos show the impact these storms had on California's flagging snowpack. The image below from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration shows the Sierra Nevada mountain ...
The snowpack at Phillips Station, west of Lake Tahoe, recorded 47.5 inches of snow depth on Thursday. This is an improvement over January, when surveyors recorded 29 inches.
After a dry start to the West Coast winter, California snowpack levels showed considerable improvement Thursday, just as a multi-foot blizzard was about to barge into the Sierra Nevada region.
It didn’t take long to conduct the snow survey near South Lake Tahoe. California’s Sierra Nevada Mountains that usually have snow-capped peaks aren't as full as they should be. The snowpack ...
USA TODAY's detailed map lets you explore snowfall accumulation over the past 24, 48, and 72 hours. You can also check seasonal totals starting from Oct. 1. Updated multiple times daily, this tool ...