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  2. PS3 Is there a PS3 utility to show CPU/GPU temps while in game? -...


    I have a PS3 FAT model running OverFlow 4.85 CFW. I just recently applied some Artic Silver 5 thermal paste to the CPU and GPU. However, I would like to monitor my temps while in game. I can see the temps using webMan when I'm in the XMB screen, but I was wondering is there a utility I can use that will display the cpu/gpu temps while I'm in game?

  3. Your/Optimal PS3 Temperatures [CPU/RSX] - PSX-Place


    And to my knowledge, PS3 consoles will not just go up and dead all of a sudden. You will experience shutdowns from overheating, in-game glitches from overheating, that sorts things before it dies. I've never had any of that. One thing I've learned about PS3 is that it's imperative you do not turn it off while in game and under heavy load.

  4. PS3 - PS3 Frankenstein 40nm retrofitting - PSX-Place


    OFFICIAL PS3 TOOLSET IS BACK ONLINE @ ps3toolset.com ... ps3; ps3 40nm; ps3 frankenstein; ps3 gpu repair ...

  5. PS3 - [CFW - BETA 15] 4.91.2 Evilnat w/ Cobra v8.5 - (CEX ... -...


    PS3 Temperature: Shows current CPU and RSX temperature in Celsius and Fahrenheit Check GPU/VRAM clock speed: Checks current GPU/VRAM clock speed Show IDPS: Shows current IDPS

  6. PS3 Hardware Acceleration for RSX GPU in OtherOS++ (PS3 Linux) -...


    One roadblock has remained on the PS3 and that was Hardware Acceleration on the NVIDIA RSX GPU, while we have seen the PS Vita / PSTV get HW Acceleration recently and how its has helped many projects on the platform. the PPC / CELL environment of the PS3 offers a challenging adventure with the architecture that the PS3 is built on, that sadly ...

  7. PS3 - Project RSX Boost: Overclock your Retail PS3 RSX Speeds...


    Increasing the GPU’s clock speed = more power consumption, which generates more heat. P ∝ CV²f More heat makes the GPU less efficient and can also trigger thermal throttling, reducing performance gains. Note : In the case of a PS3, thermal throttling is unlikely if cooled efficiently.

  8. Average temp of ps3 super slim - PSX-Place


    When my room temperature is 21c, my fat PS3 (IHS not removed) idles at 60c CPU and 54C GPU (33% fan speed). Now i am enjoying sunny days. Outside Temps are 44C and room temp is 30C. Now PS3 is idling at 66C CPU and 62C GPU (37%fan speed). Next week, weather forecast says, Temps will be 46C. Some parts of this country go upto 50C in summers.

  9. PS3 - Delidding: Tutorial with a mix of different ideas ... -...


    Nice tutorial and photos (that black globes are a bit sadomaso thought) I like all the mentions to do this very carefully, the metal wire is a nice way to do it, i would say to insist more with the wire because even if you are cutting just a bit in every pass is fine, because we can do hundreds of passes, no hurry, is just a matter of having patient and continue moving the wire left and right ...

  10. PS3 How to use ps3MFW-Builder / RSX Overclocking Project -...


    I created this tutorial to help people who struggle to use ps3MFW-Builder, in order to allow everyone to build their own modified firmware with the desired GPU speeds. I tried to be as clear as possible. Use it at your own risk ! To have an hardware flasher is recommended.

  11. PS3 - Project RSX Boost: Overclock your Retail PS3 RSX Speeds...


    Caution: If your PS3 has overheating issue's, Overclocking the RSX can be very dangerous. When using these experimental CFW's be sure to keep an eye on your internal temps. PHAT console should exercise additional caution over Slim console's.