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Pancasila dasar negara Rakyat adil makmur sentosa Pribadi bangsaku Ayo maju maju Ayo maju maju Ayo maju maju Literal translation. O, Garuda Pancasila I am your supporter A patriot of Proclamation (I am) willing to sacrifice for you. Pancasila the basis of the country The people right and prospering My nation's character Let us go forth Let us ...
Lambang negara kita Republik Indonesia Beribu pulaunya Berjuta rakyatnya Namun satu citanya Bhinneka tunggal ika Ikrar kita bersama Kita bina selama Persatuan bangsa Kesatuan jiwa Indonesia bahagia Bhinneka Tunggal Ika Is our country's symbol Republic of Indonesia Thousands of Island Millions of People But with one goal Bhinneka Tunggal Ika
Garuda Pancasila, National symbol and emblem of Indonesia.. Official national symbols of Indonesia are national symbols of Indonesia that represent Indonesian nationhood. These symbols are recognised as official symbols that represent Republic of Indonesia and usually displayed in Indonesian government institution buildings, Indonesian embassies, Indonesian passport, or held by Indonesian ...
Jimly Asshiddiqie (2005), Konstitusi dan Konstitutionalisme Indonesia (Indonesia Constitution and Constitutionalism), MKRI, Jakarta. Jimly Asshiddiqie (1994), Gagasan Kedaulatan Rakyat dalam Konstitusi dan Pelaksanaannya di Indonesia (The Idea of People's Sovereignty in the Constitution), Ichtiar Baru - van Hoeve, Jakarta, ISBN 979-8276-69-8.
National Hero of Indonesia (Pahlawan Nasional Indonesia) is the highest-level title awarded in Indonesia.It is posthumously given by the Government of Indonesia for actions which are deemed to be heroic, defined as "actual deeds which can be remembered and exemplified for all time by other citizens" or "extraordinary service furthering the interests of the state and people".
"Negaraku" (Jawi: نݢاراکو , pronounced; English: "My Country") is the national anthem of Malaysia. It was adopted as the national anthem at the time of the Federation of Malaya's independence from the United Kingdom in 1957.
Tamiyang (Aceh Tamiang Regency), negara Perlak , and Padang Lawas are noted in the west, together with Samudra (Samudra Pasai) and Lamuri, Batan , Lampung, and Barus. Also listed are the states of Tanjungnegara (believed to be on Borneo): Kapuas Katingan, Sampit, Kota Lingga, Kota Waringin, Sambas, and Lawas.
The National Principles (Malay: Rukun Negara; Jawi: روکون نݢارا ) is the Malaysian declaration of national philosophy instituted by royal proclamation on Merdeka Day, 1970, in reaction to the 13 May race riots, which occurred in 1969. [1]