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  2. Appellate Court - State of Illinois Office of the Illinois Courts


    View Appellate Court information for all five districts including links to decisions, oral argument audio, oral argument calendars, justices and more.

  3. Appellate Court Second District - State of Illinois Office of the...


    Find information and links for the Second District Appellate Court such as links to oral argument audio and calendars, decisions, local rules and more.

  4. Judicial Directory | Illinois Courts


    Find links to information about judges and administrative staff. Provided by the Administrative Office of Illinois Courts.

  5. Appellate Court First District - State of Illinois Office of the...


    Find information and links for the First District Appellate Court such as links to oral argument audio and calendars, decisions, local rules and more.

  6. Appellate Court Fourth District - State of Illinois Office of the...


    Find information and links for the Fourth District Appellate Court such as links to oral argument audio and calendars, decisions, local rules and more.

  7. Appellate Court General Information - State of Illinois Office of...


    The Supreme Court assigns judges to the various divisions. The presiding judge of each division assigns judges to panels of three to hear appeals. The number of appellate court judgeships, currently fifty-four, is determined by the legislature.

  8. Appellate Court Research Attorney | State of Illinois Office of...


    Review briefs and appellate records, verify appellate jurisdiction, and research applicable law. Draft proposed dispositions, memoranda, and other legal documents. Confer on a regular basis with Justices, Law Clerks, and other Appellate Court

  9. Meet the Illinois Supreme Court Justices


    Following an appointment by the Illinois Supreme Court, Justice White was sworn in on January 14, 2013, as the first Black Justice on the Illinois Appellate Court, Fourth District. In 2014, she was elected to the Illinois Appellate Court, Fourth District.

  10. Illinois Supreme Court Chief Justices - Past and Present


    By order of the Supreme Court of Illinois, Chief Justice McMorrow was assigned to the Appellate Court in 1985 and elected to that court in 1986. She was the first woman elected to serve as chairperson of the Executive Committee of the Appellate Court.

  11. The Office of the Illinois Courts provides information about the Illinois court system, including Circuit Courts, Appellate Courts, and the Supreme Court.