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  2. Worcester County is the easternmost county within the state of Maryland. Our county seat is the town of Snow Hill. The county was named for Mary Arundel, the wife of Sir John Somerset, a son of Henry Somerset, 1st Marquess of Worcester.

  3. Departments | Worcester County


    Worcester County Government Center 1 W. Market St. Room 1302 Snow Hill, MD 21863. Phone: (410) 632-5666 Fax: (410) 632-5664. Non-Emergency Number: (410) 632-1311

  4. County Directory | Worcester County


    Worcester County Government • 1 West Market Street, Snow Hill, MD 21863. Tel: (410) 632-1194 • Fax: (410) 632-3131

  5. Worcester County Government (WCG) offices, including Recreation and Parks, will be closed for two upcoming federal holidays: Election Day on Tuesday, November 5; and Veterans Day on Monday, November 11. All five Branch Libraries, Central Landfill, and Homeowner Convenience Centers will be open during standard hours of operation on both dates.

  6. October 15, 2024 - Burn Ban in Effect | Worcester County


    Effective immediately, Worcester County Fire Marshal Matt Owens issued a burn ban, and ALL outdoor burning is banned for an indefinite period of time in Worcester County.

  7. Water and Wastewater | Worcester County


    The Water and Wastewater Division is self-sufficient with their funding being derived from water and sewer bills. They have the responsibility of managing multiple service areas, providing water and wastewater services throughout the north end of the County.

  8. Coronavirus (Covid-19) Information | Worcester County


    Worcester County Government Office Closed to the Public, Services Still Available (March 19, 2020), in response to the current health emergency due to the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), the Worcester County Commissioners have closed the Worcester County Government (WCG) offices to the public.

  9. Worcester County Government • 1 West Market Street, Snow Hill, MD 21863. Tel: (410) 632-1194 • Fax: (410) 632-3131

  10. News & Announcements | Worcester County


    Effective immediately, Worcester County Fire Marshal Matt Owens issued a burn ban, and ALL outdoor burning is banned for an indefinite period of time in Worcester County.

  11. Pay Water/Utilities | Worcester County


    Worcester County has online options for residents to pay their water/utility bills. Utilities Online Bill Pay with eSuites. Payments made with a credit/debit card will include a convenience fee. ($4.95) Pay your bill over the phone at 800-272-9829, option #3, Jurisdiction code # 3012.