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  2. Stimulus Generalization | Definition & Examples - Study.com


    Stimulus Generalization and Operant Conditioning Potty training is a good example of stimulus generalization in operant conditioning. When a child is learning to use the toilet, rewards are often ...

  3. Operant Conditioning in the Classroom: Definition and Examples


    Operant conditioning is a learning theory that can be used in the classroom to manage students through reinforcements and consequences. Learn the definition of operant conditioning and its related ...

  4. Operant Conditioning Definition, Theory & Examples - Study.com


    Learn to define operant conditioning and review the operant conditioning experiment. Explore Skinner’s operant conditioning theory with examples of operant behavior. Updated: 11/21/2023

  5. Extinction in Psychology | Definition, Factors & Examples


    Extinction can occur in all types of behavioral conditioning, but the term is most often associated with its occurrence in operant conditioning. Extinction in Operant Conditioning. In operant ...

  6. Classical vs. Operant Conditioning | Differences & Examples


    See classical conditioning examples, operant conditioning examples and phenomena associated with these types of conditioning. Updated: 11/21/2023 Table of Contents

  7. What are examples of operant conditioning? - Homework.Study.com


    Is operant conditioning a type of classical conditioning? How would an operant theorist, such as Skinner, explain defense mechanisms? Give several examples. How does operant conditioning relate to Thorndike's law of effect? Is operant conditioning the same as classical conditioning? What experiment did B.F. Skinner perform with operant ...

  8. Video: Operant Conditioning in the Classroom - Study.com


    Operant conditioning is a learning theory that can be used in the classroom to manage students through reinforcements and consequences. Learn the...

  9. Latent Learning | Definition, Importance & Examples - Study.com


    Operant conditioning describes how learning and behavior operate on the basis of rewards and punishments. This theory discounts internal motivation and focuses solely on environmental reinforcements.

  10. Video: Operant Conditioning Definition, Theory & Examples


    Learn to define operant conditioning and review the operant conditioning experiment. Explore Skinner’s operant conditioning theory with examples of...

  11. Classical Conditioning Definition, Principles & Examples


    Some other operant conditioning examples are scolding a child to reduce bad behavior using positive punishment (the parent is making loud uncomfortable noises and saying things that the child does ...