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What is the meaning of this sonographic report: liver is enlarged with increased parenchymal echogenicity. there is an irregular, thick-walled heterogeneous mass in the right hepatic lobe, likely segment vii/viii measuring approximately 5.5 x 5 x 5?
what is the meaning of this sonographic report: liver is enlarged with increased parenchymal echogenicity. there is an irregular, thick-walled heterogeneous mass in the right hepatic lobe, likely segment vii/viii measuring approximately 5.5 x 5 x 5?: : The U/S report of a mass that large requires a CT or MRI to determin
Hepatic parenchymal echotexture. A member asked: Slightly coarse and heterogeneous hepatic parenchymal ...
What does 'in homogeneous increased hepatic echogenicity seen w/ fatty infiltration as well as hepatocellular disease' mean about my liver? The liver demonstrates mild diffuse increased echogenicity, most consistent with fatty liver infiltration or fibrosis."
What is the meaning of this sonographic report: liver is enlarged with increased parenchymal echogenicity. there is an irregular, thick-walled heterogeneous mass in the right hepatic lobe, likely segment vii/viii measuring approximately 5.5 x 5 x 5?
Chronic hepatic parenchymal disease is a process of liver destruction and regeneration which can lead to cirrhosis. Causes include cirrhosis, chronic hepatitis, certain biliary disease processes where bile cannot move properly.
Ultrasound in ruq. the doctor ordered the ultrasound to look at gallbladder. the impression results say, diffusely coarse hepatic echotexture with 2 left hepatic cysts. all blood labs are normal including liver function panel. is this cirrhosis?
what does heterogeneous echotexture of the liver mean? my ulta sound also said for liver no mass and normal size.: It means that: the liver texture is not uniform. Most commonly this i
Ultrasound report of RUQ says; "Hepatic parenchymal echogenicity is within upper limits of normal; no focal lesions identified." Am I at risk for NAFLD? No drinking, I am obese, female, 21 cholecystectomy at age 15. Pain in back, biley liquid stool?
What does a diffuse course echogenicity of the hepatic parenchyma mean? Telemedicine. Primary Care.