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Generally considered to have been a drawn battle. However the American garrison on Manhattan and in Fort Washington was left to its fate."So what now hahhaha lol yup that is 110% accuret
Earn +20 pts Q: Who won the battle of Sullivan's island?Who won the battle of Sullivan's island?
The battle of Valcour Bay is also known as the Battle of Valcour Island. This battle took place on October 11, 1776. There were around 120 deaths between the US and the British.
The Battle of Long Island took place on August 27, 1776, very early in the war. The battle involved General Washington's American army trying to defend the important port of New York from the British.
What kind of weapons did the union use at the battle Gettysburg? they used rifles,swords,and cannons the union had less weapons then the north but still won b/c the north surrenderd Related questions
The battle of long island is very important battle. Its so important because George Washington led them to a great victory. General Hayes told his British men to fire but the Americans never gave up.
June 4-June 7, 1942. Q: How long did the Battle of Midway island last?
George Washington and king george
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Battle of Long Island (Battle of Brooklyn Heights - August 27, 1776)The British drove the Americans out of Brooklyn, and out of New York entirely, into New Jersey.