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  2. Trump goes on the offensive


    He could’ve learned of the recent attempt on Trump’s life from a blabbering guard, a source there told Real Raw News. Bragg’s attitude at the gallows was a sharp departure from how he had behaved at his tribunal—professionally polite but necessarily argumentative when cross-examining the witness whose unimpeachable testimony led to ...

  3. Harris vs Trump 2024 Virtual Scoreboard - LunaticOutPost


    United States Marines on Sunday torched an Atlanta self-storage unit that held dozens of cardboard boxes filled with thousands of fraudulent mail-in ballots, all addressed to dead people and pre-filled to vote for Kamala Harris in the 2024 presidential election, a source in General M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.

  4. serious question why would Haitians go to Ohio, when there are...


    Michael Baxter | September 13, 2024. White Hats are deploying an undisclosed number of Marines to Springfield, Ohio, in response to widespread allegations that grimy Haitian migrants are abducting and eating the local wildlife—geese, ducks, and squirrels—and household pets, Real Raw News has learned. News of pet consumption gained traction ...

  5. (04-05-2024, 06:42 PM) hillbilly Wrote: Was this the foreshock? Quote: U.S. Navy JAG investigators on Thursday served a military arrest warrant on the criminal Georgia judge who rejected President Trump’s request to discharge the state’s unfounded election interference case against him, JAG sources told Real Raw News.

  6. Trump will not be sentenced until after the election


    Real Raw News reported on several of the jurors’ arrests. JAG sources now say 11 are in custody and that a few might testify against Merchan once JAG schedules his military tribunal. The twelfth juror died resisting arrest....(<50%) As an aside, Alvin Bragg’s military tribunal took place this week.

  7. Springfield City Hall bomb threat - lunaticoutpost.com


    Michael Baxter | September 13, 2024. White Hats are deploying an undisclosed number of Marines to Springfield, Ohio, in response to widespread allegations that grimy Haitian migrants are abducting and eating the local wildlife—geese, ducks, and squirrels—and household pets, Real Raw News has learned.

  8. snakes could be the source of the wuhan coronavirus outbreak


    United States Special Forces operating abroad laid siege upon a World Health Organization office in the Philippines and killed Dr. Rui Paulo de Jesus, a COVID-19 architect and climate fraud proliferator, as well as six so-called scientists under his command, sources in Gen. Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.

  9. Trump FREAKS OUT over his Televised HUMILIATION


    (08-27-2024, 03:07 PM) Guest Wrote: (08-27-2024, 02:07 PM) Guest Wrote: Says the MAGA SHILL who blindly supports a twice impeached, 4 time indicted, 34 time convicted felon, adjudicated rapist, who stole our national secrets and tried to overturn an election.

  10. On Wednesday, a digital forensic specialist at Marine Corps Forces Cyberspace Command told Real Raw News that they had reviewed footage of the rally and concluded that the audience was comprised of five percent people and 95% CGI.

  11. Trump is an insurrectionist. It's a factual finding. The SCOTUS...


    He could’ve learned of the recent attempt on Trump’s life from a blabbering guard, a source there told Real Raw News. Bragg’s attitude at the gallows was a sharp departure from how he had behaved at his tribunal—professionally polite but necessarily argumentative when cross-examining the witness whose unimpeachable testimony led to ...