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  2. The Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute (MFRI) of the University of Maryland is the state's training and education system for all-hazard responses. The Institute plans, researches, develops and delivers quality programs to prepare agencies and individuals to protect life, property and the environment.

  3. Southern Maryland Regional Training Center. Serving: Calvert County Charles County Prince George's County St. Mary's County Office Email: smcontact@mfri.org

  4. Conducting Live Fire Training Exercises (MICRB #309) - 6 hrs (Skills) Instructional Hours: 18.00 Requires Medical Clearance - Must be submitted prior to the first class session.

  5. MFRI Student Zone


    The Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute of the University of Maryland is the State's comprehensive training and education system for all emergency services. The Institute plans, researches, develops, and delivers quality programs to enhance the ability of emergency service providers to protect life, the environment, and property.

  6. Western Maryland Regional Training Center. Serving: Allegany County Garrett County Washington County Office Email: wmcontact@mfri.org. 301-226-7320

  7. Marine Fire Fighting For Land-Based Firefighters (PILOT) Instructional Hours: 60.00 Requires Medical Clearance - Must be submitted prior to the first class session.

  8. MICRB - The Board


    Maryland Instructor Certification Review Board c/o Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute University of Maryland College Park, MD 20742 301-226-9962 301-314-1497 Members and Alternates Maryland Fire-Rescue Education and Training Commission. Daniel J. Stevens, Member E-mail: dstevens@mfri.org. Maryland Council of Fire and Rescue Academies

  9. Conducting Live Fire Training Exercises (MICRB #309) - 6 hrs (Skills) Instructional Hours: 18.00 Requires Medical Clearance - Must be submitted prior to the first class session.

  10. Conducting Live Fire Training Exercises (MICRB #309) - 6 hrs (Skills) Instructional Hours: 18.00 Requires Medical Clearance - Must be submitted prior to the first class session.

  11. The Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute is a premier institution for training in emergency services, government and industry.