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  1. Results from the WOW.Com Content Network
  2. Onslow County is ranked fifth in its population category of the 2024 Digital Counties Survey. This is the eighth straight year the Onslow County Information Technology Services (ITS) Department has been recognized in the top ten nationally. Read on...

  3. Onslow County, North Carolina GIS


    Clear Basemap Basemaps. 2022 Aerial; 2020 Aerial; 2018 Aerial; 2016 Aerial; 2012 Aerial; 2009 Aerial; 2006 Aerial; 2001 Aerial; ESRI Road Map; ESRI Physical Map; ESRI Topo Map

  4. Tax Office | Onslow County, NC


    The Onslow County Tax Office is dedicated to constantly serve the citizens with the utmost respect, an outstanding level of service, and to provide quality information.

  5. Government - Onslow County, NC


    Get details about the different government departments for Onslow County. Library. Discover all Onslow County Public Library has to offer! Mosquito Control. Onslow County Mosquito and Vector Control works year round in effort to help protect residents from mosquito borne diseases and potential flooding by our rivers and creeks. Museum

  6. Planning & Development - Onslow County, NC


    Onslow County’s population is expected to grow by 70,000 people by the year 2050. In preparation for this, Onslow County Planning & Development is working on a comprehensive long range plan to help guide growth in our community.

  7. Election Information | Onslow County, NC


    For more information on voter ID requirements, please visit the North Carolina State Board of Elections page. Where Do I Vote? Your precinct number and polling place are listed on your voter registration card. To vote on election day, go to the precinct listed on your registration card.

  8. GIS creates and maintains County jurisdiction property addresses and ensures new streets and address ranges get added to the postal service database, E911 database and tax records. GIS created and maintains the County’s internet GIS/mapping site for easy access by the public.

  9. Basic Search - Onslow County, NC


    All information on this site is prepared for the inventory of real property found within Onslow County. All data is compiled from recorded deeds, plats, and other public records and data. Users of this data are hereby notified that the aforementioned public information sources should be consulted for verification of the information.

  10. Services - Onslow County, NC


    Utilize this online records search application for Onslow County official records. Pay Property Taxes Online. Pay property taxes online with MUNIS Self Services. Real Estate Appraisal. The Appraisal Division is responsible for maintaining the real property data base, including listing and measuring all real estate improvements in the County.

  11. Register of Deeds | Onslow County, NC


    An Introduction to North Carolina's Registers of Deeds Watch this video to learn about the essential services that Registers of Deeds perform for the communities they serve. Whether it's vital records, real estate documents, or other important information, you can count on your Register of Deeds.