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  2. Mechanical Ventilation of Multi-family Low Rise


    The garage door is a ventilated rolling steel door with an area of 128 SF. We think that this would be classified as an enclosed garage and require mechanical ventilation but the door is ~5% of the total SF and meets natural ventilation. There is also a 525 SF private garage bay with the same door as the above parking garage.

  3. Garage Ventilation R-2 Occupancy - The Building Code Forum


    Does IBC Section 1203.4.2 and IMC Section 401.6 require a mechanical exhaust system because of the exhaust fumes from the motor vehicles? The only "incorrect" statement above is relating to the garage doors. There are actually two garage doors for four stalls, not "Each stall is provided with a separate overhead door opening", as written.

  4. Mech Exhaust Required in Residential Kitchens


    Our Ohio code for both residential and commercial is based on the 2009 ICC codes. I can solve the problem this time, I was just bringing up to this forum because I was totally surprised to see that 100 CFM of mechanical exhaust is now required in EVERY residential kitchen both in multi-family and single family. IRC 1507.3 and IBC 403.3 footnote b

  5. Kitchen Exhaust Through Exterior Wall - The Building Code Forum


    Page 11 references two items related to ductwork; material and liquid-tight weld, and this is only a reference, not a statement that the entire exhaust system that connects to the hood must comply with NFPA 96 - "As specified in NFPA 96, Ch. 7.5 (latest edition), exhaust duct systems must be constructed in the following manner:" material and ...

  6. Ventilation for vehicle exhaust in residential garage.


    Re: Ventilation for vehicle exhaust in residential garage. Unless Ferris Beuller takes a day off, I doubt that the cars will be running for extended periods of time. On the other hand, there's nothing wrong with mentioning your concern and suggesting the Owner consider a CO detector or two.

  7. Exhaust Location for Enclosed - The Building Code Forum


    1. The garage is completely enclosed; a ramp from the ground level to an underground parking lot that has only a door to a corridor as an exit. 2. There is exhaust required: 403.5 Exhaust ventilation. Exhaust airflow rate shall be provided in accordance with the requirements in Table 403.3. Exhaust makeup air shall be permitted to be any comb

  8. Repair Garage Ventilation - The Building Code Forum


    Re: Repair Garage Ventilation IMC section 502.14 also requires mechanical ventilation. Also I see the note "mechanical exhaust required" on table 403.3 as meaning just that--ventilation has to be by mechanical means, not natural. If natural ventilation were allowed in these occupancies, why the footnote saying mechanical exhaust required?

  9. Fire Station Apparatus Bay Ventilation - The Building Code Forum


    Explore alternate means and methods - as a retired fire fighter for 32 years, we caught hell trying to keep the apparatus bays above freezing in the winter - continuous exhaust means that the entity is paying utility bills to heat out side air..... constant air exchange in space - see if they (the AHJ) will accept co monitoring to initiate exhaust fans for ventilation - also be sure to provide ...

  10. Bathroom Fans through the soffit?? - The Building Code Forum


    For the purpose of this section, the exhaust from dwelling unit toilet rooms, bathrooms and kitchens shall not be considered as hazardous or noxious. IMC 501.2.1 Location of exhaust outlets. The termination point of exhaust outlets and ducts discharging to the outdoors shall be located with the following minimum distances: 1.

  11. Any codes on bathroom exhaust fan placement? - The Building Code...


    Bathroom exhaust fans Each bathroom shall be mechanically ventilated and shall comply with the following: 1. Fans shall be ENERGY STAR compliant and be ducted to terminate outside the building. 2. Unless functioning as a component of a whole house ventilation system, fans must be controlled by a humidity control.