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  2. Fisher (animal) - Wikipedia


    Male and female fishers look similar, but can be differentiated by size; males being up to twice as large as the females. The fur of the fisher varies seasonally, being denser and glossier in the winter. During the summer, the color becomes more mottled, as the fur goes through a moulting cycle. The fisher prefers to hunt in the full forest.

  3. Fisher (Pekania pennanti) | U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service


    These fishers have a light brown to black fur coat, with white patches on its chest. They have a broad head, pointy snout, bushy tail and small ears. Males are larger than females.

  4. The Fisher - National Trappers


    Males rarely weigh more than 14 pounds. Females weigh about 1/3 of the average weight of males and most females are about the size of large mink, although their longer fur makes them appear to be larger. Typical females weigh between 4 and 5 pounds. Fisher have 38 teeth, including four sharp canine teeth and flat topped molars to aid in chewing.

  5. Fisher | Diet, Habitat, & Facts | Britannica


    The fisher has a weasel-like body, bushy tail, tapered muzzle, and low rounded ears. Adults are usually 50–63 cm (20–25 inches) long, excluding the 33–42-cm (13–16.5-inch) tail, and weigh 1.4–6.8 kg (3–15 pounds).

  6. A Shy, Solitary Night-Stalker - Nature In Deed


    fisher can have white patches of uneven size and shape. New fur growth begins in September or October and is usually complete by late November. The prime fur (new winter fur) of the fisher has stiff, shiny guard hairs, is very full, and is present any time between late November and the end of January. When

  7. FisherFurbearer Conservation


    During the summer months, fur color becomes more mottled through a molting cycle. Males and females look similar, with adult males averaging 35–47 inches in length and weighing 813 pounds. Adult females are smaller and more slender, at 30–37 inches long and weighing approximately 4–6 pounds.

  8. Fisher | Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife


    Fishers have dark brown fur with lighter shading on the head, back of the neck, and back. They have a long furry tail (14 to 15 inches long), short rounded ears, and short legs. They have a low to the ground appearance.

  9. Fisher - NYSDEC - New York State Department of Environmental...


    The fisher is a large, dark, long-haired member of the weasel family. Their stature is relatively low to the ground, with short legs, small ears and a well-furred tail. The color of their fur varies from dark brown to nearly black.

  10. Fisher (animal) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Wikinews


    Females measure 75 to 95 cm (3037 in) and weigh 2 to 2.5 kg (4–6 lb). The fur of the fisher varies seasonally, being denser and glossier in the winter. During the summer, the color becomes more mottled, as the fur goes through a moulting cycle. The fisher prefers to hunt in full forest.

  11. Fisher (animal) - New World Encyclopedia


    Fisher coats are darkish brown to black, with a black tail and legs; some individuals have a cream-colored patch on the chest. Some of the dark hairs may be white-tipped. The fur does not undergo seasonal changes in color. All four feet have five toes with retractable claws.