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  2. Colloid cyst - Pathology Outlines


    10 year old girl with brainstem death due to a third ventricular colloid cyst (BJR Case Rep 2022;8:20220007) 31 year old woman with colloid cyst causing acute hydrocephalus during early pregnancy (Surg Neurol Int 2021:12:54) 49 year old man with spontaneous regression of colloid cyst (BMC Neurol 2022;22:397)

  3. Rathke cleft cyst - Pathology Outlines


    Mucus containing cyst arising from Rathke cleft remnants Intrasellar or suprasellar Incidental postmortem finding

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    PKD2 gene on 4q13-23 (altered in 10% of cases) produces polycystin 2; later onset and development of chronic renal failure than PKD1 (OMIM: Polycystin 2; PKD2 [Accessed 1 July 2024]) PKD3 gene: minority of cases; gene unmapped (OMIM: Polycystic Kindey Disease 3 With or Without Polycystic Liver Disease; PKD3 [Accessed 1 July 2024])

  5. Pathology Outlines - Epidermal (epidermoid) type


    Cyst contents composed of abundant keratin flakes Foreign body giant cell reaction is frequently present in ruptured cysts Melanoma , basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma have been reported in association with epidermal inclusion cysts ( J Am Acad Dermatol 2013;68:e6 , J Cutan Med Surg 2015;19:105 )

  6. Pathology Outlines - Vulvovaginal cysts


    ICD-10: N75.0 - cyst of Bartholin gland ICD-10: Q52.4 - other congenital malformations of vagina Epidemiology.

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  8. Eyelid cysts - Pathology Outlines


    Includes epidermal cyst, dermoid cyst, eccrine hidrocystoma and apocrine hidrocytoma, all of which are generally cured by excision Essential features Epidermal cysts feature a lining of benign keratinizing stratified squamous epithelium with a granular layer (in the absence of adnexal structures) and contain keratinaceous debris

  9. Pathology Outlines - Developmental cysts


    ~10% of all adnexal masses (Arch Gynecol Obstet 2012;285:1563) Vast majority are Müllerian (paramesonephric) cysts, commonly known as paratubal cysts < 2% are Wolffian (mesonephric) cysts ( Am J Obstet Gynecol 1977;129:873 )

  10. Pathology Outlines - Peritoneal inclusion cyst (peritoneum)


    47 year old woman with peritoneal inclusion cyst presenting as a pelvic mass (Obstet Gynecol Sci 2018;61:170) 47 year old woman peritoneal inclusion cyst of the pelvis (Int J Surg Case Rep 2020;74:152) 68 year old man with peritoneal inclusion cyst of the abdomen and pelvis (Case Rep Pathol 2017;2017:9752908)

  11. Pathology Outlines - Simple mucinous cyst


    ICD-10: K86.2 - cyst of pancreas Epidemiology 2 - 3.4% of pancreatic resections, 2.2 - 6.7% of pancreatic cyst resections and 7.6 - 10.3% of pancreatic mucinous cyst resections ( Arch Pathol Lab Med 2017;141:1330 )