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  2. Geography of Alabama - Wikipedia


    The geography of Alabama describes a state in the Southeastern United States in North America. It extends from high mountains to low valleys and sandy beaches. Alabama is 30th in size and borders four U.S. states: Mississippi, Tennessee, Georgia, and Florida. It also borders the Gulf of Mexico.

  3. Alabama Maps & Facts - World Atlas


    Alabama, located in the southeastern United States, shares borders with Tennessee to the north, Georgia to the east, Florida and the Gulf of Mexico to the south, and Mississippi to the west. The state encompasses a total area of about 52,419 mi 2 (135,767 km 2 ).

  4. Alabama, constituent state of the United States of America, admitted to the union in 1819 as the 22nd state. Alabama forms a roughly rectangular shape on the map, elongated in a north-south direction. It is bordered by Tennessee to the north, Georgia to the east, and Mississippi to the west.

  5. Alabama Pictures and Facts - National Geographic Kids


    Alabama is called the Heart of Dixie because Montgomery, Alabama, was the first Confederate capital. This southern state is bordered by Tennessee in the north, Georgia in the east, Florida and...

  6. Alabama - Wikipedia


    Alabama is also known as the "Heart of Dixie" and the "Cotton State". The state has diverse geography, with the north dominated by the mountainous Tennessee Valley and the south by Mobile Bay, a historically significant port. Alabama's capital is Montgomery, and its largest city by population and area is Huntsville. [10]

  7. Map of Alabama - Geology.com


    Alabama maps showing counties, roads, highways, cities, rivers, topographic features, lakes and more.

  8. State of Alabama


    Little River Both in physical size and in population, Alabama has typically ranked near the middle of the 50 American states. The state's 52,423 square miles are configured in a length of 330 miles and a width of 150 miles at their longest and widest expanse.

  9. Encyclopedia of Alabama


    Welcome to your free, online resource on Alabama history, culture, geography, and natural environment. This site offers articles on Alabama's people, events, sports, art, literature, industry, government, plant and animal life, agriculture, recreation, and so much more.

  10. Alabama Geography: Alabama Regions and Landforms - eReferenceDesk


    Find an overview of Alabama geography, topography, geographic land regions, land areas, and major rivers. Access Alabama almanac, furnishing more details on the state geography, geographical and land regions, climate and weather, elevation, land areas, bordering states, and other statistical data.

  11. Alabama Geography - Maps of World


    Alabama Geography - Alabama is located in the southeastern region of the United States. Learn more about the Alabama Geography, topography, climate, major mountains, rivers, lakes and other features.