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The sing-song poem goes like this:IN 1492In fourteen hundred ninety-twoColumbus sailed the ocean blue.He had three ships and left from Spain;He sailed through sunshine, wind and rain.He sailed by ...
In fourteen hundred ninety-two Columbus sailed the ocean blue. He had three ships and left from Spain; He sailed through sunshine, wind and rain. He sailed by night; he sailed by day; He used the ...
What did Christopher Columbus and his ships sail on? Christopher Columbus's ships were the Nina, Pinta, and the Santa Maria. They sailed across the Atlantic Ocean to the New World.
In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue. What was Cristopher Columbus trying to do? He was trying to sail the ocean blue. What explorer set sail to the ocean blue? christoper columbus is the answer.
The poem "In 1492" was written by Jean Marzollo. It is a popular mnemonic device used to help remember the year Christopher Columbus discovered America.
1492 AD is the year Columbus sailed the blue and discovered America (probably the answer your looking for) 1492 BC was 1492 years before Christ was born. In what year did did christopher culumbus ...
In 1492 christopher Colubus sailed across the Atlantic Ocean. Please do not get rid of this answer it is true and its my first time answering. Thanks
Columbus never sailed on the Mayflower--an English ship which sailed in 1620--long after his death. He never stepped foot on the North American continent. His exploration is said to have taken ...
In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue. Just a little saying to help you remember the year in which Christopher Columbus set sail for the Caribbean. Related questions.
There's a rhyme for that that goes "In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue." Christopher Columbus' first voyage was on August 3, 1492. When was Christopher Columbus first voyage?