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  2. Wiki Laparoscopic fenestration of liver cyst - AAPC


    Wiki Laparoscopic fenestration of liver cyst. Thread starter 01099980; Start date Apr 19, 2012; Create Wiki 0.

  3. We have billed 43644 for the gastric bypass, however our physician also went in a did a laparoscopic procedure on the liver and the only code that works is the unlisted code 47379. Insurance company i...

  4. Recovery time from laparoscopic large liver cyst?


    Adding info about my recovery for someone who may be searching at a later date. After laparoscopic surgery with liver resection to remove large 18-22cm simple cyst I felt better in 1 week. 2 weeks out way less discomfort than the back pain I had from the cyst and am returning to work.

  5. CPT ® 47370, Under Laparoscopic Procedures on the Liver The Current Procedural Terminology (CPT ® ) code 47370 as maintained by American Medical Association, is a medical procedural code under the range - Laparoscopic Procedures on the Liver.

  6. Wiki open liver cyst fenestration of 100+ cysts - AAPC


    Cyst fenestrations: The gastrocolic and hepatic flexure of the colon were taken down and a limited ultrasound to assess extent of disease. The liver was mobilized but taking down the ligaments. The lesions (100+) cysts were decompressed with fenestrations. The largest cysts on segment 6,7,8,1, and 2 were particularly drained.

  7. Wiki laparoscopic resection of hepatic cyst - AAPC


    The general surgeon did a laparoscopic rescetion of a hepatic cyst in segments V, VI, VII & VIII. I haven't been able to find a CPT that fits the descritption of what the doctor did. The closest I could find was an open code: 47120 (Hepatectomy, resection of liver; partial lobectomy).

  8. Wiki Help! CPT for Unroofing Hepatic Cysts? - AAPC


    Anyone? Also, it's a Lap. Since there's no Lap CPT for this procedure, and I'm doing anesthesia, I'll have to use the "Anesthesia code that best corresponds to the specific procedure performed"... and not the ASA, the CPT. :rolleyes: Any help would be much appreciated.

  9. CPT ® 47371, Under Laparoscopic Procedures on the Liver The Current Procedural Terminology (CPT ® ) code 47371 as maintained by American Medical Association, is a medical procedural code under the range - Laparoscopic Procedures on the Liver.

  10. Hello, Can anyone assist me in coding a hepatic liver resection at 3 different segments on the right side of the liver. The Dr wants to bill 47120 3 times using modifier -51. I'm suggesting 47130. ... [ Read More ]

  11. Laparoscopic liver biopsy is 47379 compared to 47100. The dx code would be the reason the surgeon stated in the OP note that it was felt to be medically necessary. If the pathology had shown somethi...