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A native of Bucharest, he was born out of wedlock to Ion Luca Caragiale and Maria Constantinescu, an unmarried former Town Hall employee [3] who was 21 at the time. [4] Living his first years at his mother's house on Frumoasă Street, near Calea Victoriei (until the building was sold), [5] Mateiu had a half-sister, his mother's daughter from another extra-conjugal affair. [6]
Trei culori cunosc pe lume, Amintind de-un brav popor, Ce-i viteaz, cu vechi renume, În luptă triumfător. Multe secole luptară Străbunii noștri eroi, Să trăim stăpâni în țară, Ziditori ai lumii noi. Roșu, galben și albastru Este-al nostru tricolor. Se înalță ca un astru Gloriosul meu popor. Suntem un popor în lume Strâns ...
The work of art itself is in the public domain for the following reason: Public domain Public domain false false This work is in the public domain in its country of origin and other countries and areas where the copyright term is the author's life plus 100 years or fewer .
Line art or line drawing is any image that consists of distinct straight lines or curved lines placed against a background (usually plain). Two-dimensional or three-dimensional objects are often represented through shade (darkness) or hue . Line art can use lines of different colors, although line art is usually monochromatic.
There are two main types of word art: [2] One uses words or phrases because of their ideological meaning, their status as an icon, or their use in well-known advertising slogans; in this type, the content is of paramount importance, and is seen in some of the work of Barbara Kruger, On Kawara and Jenny Holzer's projection artwork called "For the City" (2005) in Manhattan.
Their most common names are ursitori and ursitoare, [3] but variations appear locally, like ursători, ursoaie, ursońi, urzoaie, [4] ursite. [5] Similarly, in the Oltenia region, they are dialectally known as ursătóri(le), ursitóri(le), ursătoáre(le). [6]
"Capra cu trei iezi", by Ion Creangă" "Cei trei frați împărați" "Cele douăsprezece fete de împărat și palatul cel fermecat" "Cele trei rodii aurite", by Petre Ispirescu" "Ciobănașul cel isteț sau țurloaiele blendei" "Copiii văduvului și iepurele, vulpea, lupul și ursul" "Cotoșman năzdrăvanu"
Figure 3 shows a Single Image Random Text Stereogram (SIRTS) based on the same idea as a Single Image Random Dot Stereogram . The word "Hi" in relief can be seen when the image clicks into place. () Some people have included stereograms in their "signature" at the end of electronic mail messages and news articles. Figure 4 is such an example.