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  2. Liturgical books of the Roman Rite - Wikipedia


    At that time he did not repeat at the altar the parts that were chanted by the ministers or choir, as became the custom in the period of the Tridentine Mass Thus Sacramentaries contain no Readings, Introits, Graduals, Communion Antiphons and the like, but only the Collects, the Eucharistic Prayer with its Prefaces, all that is strictly the ...

  3. Liturgical reforms of Pope Pius XII - Wikipedia


    Ordinary communicants would calculate the time until the moment they took communion; priests fasted based on the time they began saying Mass. [1] The new fasting rules opened the way to scheduling evening Masses, which the fast from midnight regime made all but impossible for those desiring to receive communion.

  4. Code of Rubrics - Wikipedia


    Simplifications included elimination of many of the patristic readings at Matins and a reduction in the number of commemorations to be observed in the Office and Mass. Several changes were introduced into the rituals to be observed at Mass, such as eliminating the requirement for the celebrant to read the Epistle and Gospel at the altar during ...

  5. Mass (liturgy) - Wikipedia


    Today's Mass readings (New American Bible version) The Readings of the Mass (Jerusalem Bible version) Mass Readings (text in official Lectionary for Ireland, Australia, Britain, New Zealand etc.) Tridentine Mass. Text of the Tridentine Mass in Latin and English; Anglicanism. The Anglican Missal online; The Book of Common Prayer (1662) and ...

  6. Revised Common Lectionary - Wikipedia


    However, the daily lectionary, devised by the Catholic Church and adopted by the Church of England (among others), provides more material. The CCT has also produced a volume of daily readings. [1] The Church of England has augmented the RCL by the provision of readings for second and third services.

  7. Ordinary (liturgy) - Wikipedia


    The Mass ordinary (Latin: Ordinarium Missae), or the ordinarium parts of the Mass, is the generally invariable set of texts of the Mass according to Latin liturgical rites such as the Roman Rite. This contrasts with the proper ( proprium ) which are items of the Mass that change with the feast or following the Liturgical Year .

  8. Divine Worship: The Missal - Wikipedia


    For each Mass, the Proper of the Mass includes the appointed Introit, Collect, Gradual, Alleluia or Tract, Offertory, and Communion. The Epistle and Gospel readings for Sunday are to be taken from the Revised Roman Missal, using the Revised Standard Version Second Catholic Edition translation.

  9. Liturgy of the Hours - Wikipedia


    This uses the New Vulgate Latin Bible for the readings, psalms and canticles rather than the Clementina. It has changed the text of some of the readings and responsories in line with the New Vulgate, and it provides the Benedictus and Magnificat on each Sunday with three antiphons that reflect the three-year cycle of Gospel readings. Pope Urban ...