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Mars in the sixth house: You feel most alive when your body is active. You enjoy working out and taking care of daily household tasks. You enjoy working out and taking care of daily household tasks.
With its ruler Mars representing drive and motivation, your 6th House can also provide insights into navigating your schedule. ... Virgo’s association with the 6th House is how Virgo got their ...
Transiting Mars energizes the areas of life related to the natal planet being effected. The person will be more energetic and be able to work harder than usual. But Mars can also promote tension and anger, so there is a need to watch the temper during a Mars transit, especially for transits with the moon.
LEO (JULY 23 - AUGUST 22) You're starting the month on fire, Leo, with Mars, the planet of action, in your sign until the 6th.Use this feisty energy to set intentions for personal growth. This is ...
According to Parashara all planets cast their aspects on the 3rd and the 10th bhava or house (i.e., at a distance of 60 degrees and 270 degrees), on the 5th and the 9th (120 degrees and 240 degrees), the 4th and the 8th (90 degrees and 210 degrees) and the 7th (180 degrees) but the strength of their aspect varies at different points. Therefore ...
The 7th house lord becomes a stronger maraka if it also owns a trika-bhava (the 6th, the 8th or the 12th house counted from the lagna), malefic planets acquire the power to kill when associated with the 8th, 2nd or 7th house or their lords, the dashas of the marakas (lords of 2nd, 7th, 6th and 12th) can bring about death, lord of 12th and ...
With Mars conjunct Jupiter in Gemini and your 12th house of privacy and unconscious patterns, you may feel a strong urge to explore your inner world and engage in healing practices, as it marks a ...
Mercury might have the same function in the case of an adverse transit to Saturn. If an individual has the Sun posited in Aquarius and Saturn located in Leo, both the Sun and Saturn are in mutual reception, since the Sun's own house is in Leo, where Saturn is located, and Saturn governs the sign of Aquarius, where the Sun is positioned. However ...