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  2. Robert Sternberg's Theory of Intelligence | Overview & Criticisms


    Robert Sternberg, an American psychologist, created one of the most well-known theories of intelligence. Unlike most theories of intelligence, Sternberg's theory calls for the integration of ...

  3. Triarchic Theory of Intelligence | Overview & Examples


    Robert Sternberg's triarchic theory of intelligence describes three distinct types of intelligence that a person can possess. These three types are practical intelligence, creative intelligence ...

  4. Analytical Intelligence | Definition, Role & Examples - Study.com


    Robert Sternberg is a prominent psychologist, especially in the field of psychological traits used in learning information. His triarchic theory of intelligence incorporates three types of ...

  5. Quiz & Worksheet - Sternberg's Triangular Theory of Love -...


    1. According to Robert Sternberg, the type of love that has intimacy, passion, and commitment is called _____.

  6. Who influenced Robert Sternberg? - Homework.Study.com


    Sternberg Influenced by Experiences. Sternberg's interest in psychology began when he was a child. He suffered from test anxiety and did poorly on exams, as well as the IQ test administered by the school psychologist.

  7. How does Robert Sternberg define intelligence?


    Robert Sternberg: Robert Sternberg is an American psychologist and professor and currently a Cornell University. One of his biggest contributions to the field of psychology is his triarchic theory of intelligence. Answer and Explanation:

  8. What did Robert Sternberg believe about intelligence?


    What are the types of intelligence according to Robert Sternberg? Robert Sternberg's theory of intelligence specifies _____ types of intelligence. (a) 1 (b) 3 (c) 7 (d) 12. Fill in the blank. Robert Sternberg constructed the _____ theory of intelligence. Robert Sternberg referred to people with 'book learning' as having _____ intelligence.

  9. Although Sam is growing up in the inner city, he views the...


    Robert Sternberg: Robert Sternberg is an American psychologist that has proposed two very well-known and influential models. These models are the triangular model of love and the triarchic model of intelligence. Answer and Explanation:

  10. Video: Robert Sternberg's Theory of Intelligence - Study.com


    Perhaps one of the most notable theories on intelligence came from Robert Sternberg. His theory states that metacomponents, performance components, and knowledge-acquisition components underlie ...

  11. According to Robert Sternberg, a type of love that would exist in...


    According to Robert Sternberg, a type of love that would exist among platonic friends would be called \\ a. Empty Love b. Liking c. Infatuation d. Fatuous love; According to Robert Sternberg, a type of love that typically exists between very old couples who are emotionally close and have been together for many years is known as \\ a.