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  2. Welcome to the U.S. District Court for the Central District of Illinois. This federal trial court serves the forty-six counties in the heart of Illinois. This court hears cases in Peoria, Urbana, Springfield and Rock Island.

  3. CENTRAL DISTRICT OF ILLINOIS - Document Filing System Version 1.8.1 of NextGen CM/ECF was installed on October 19, 2024. This is a restricted government website for official court business only.

  4. United States District Court for the Central District of Illinois


    The United States District Court for the Central District of Illinois (in case citations, C.D. Ill.) serves the residents of forty-six counties, which are divided into four divisions.

  5. All Clerk's Offices are open from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m., Central Time, Monday through Friday. For general information about the federal courts, see " Inside the Federal Courts ," an interactive web site developed by the Federal Judicial Center to educate citizens about the federal courts and how they work.

  6. Each court maintains its case information locally. Click here to access the District of Central Illinois Document Filing System. If you do not know where the case is filed, use the PACER Case Locator.

  7. Welcome and thank you for visiting the United States Attorney’s Office for the Central District of Illinois’ webpage. The Central District encompasses 46 counties across the state and has offices in Springfield, Urbana, Peoria, and Moline.

  8. Central District of Illinois | About The District


    The Central District of Illinois is headquartered in Springfield with staffed offices in Peoria, Rock Island, and Urbana. The district includes 46 of the 102 counties in the State of Illinois.

  9. Illinois Central District Court | PACER: Federal Court Records


    Central District of Illinois; Court's Email Address: Please contact the Clerk's Office in writing or via telephone.

  10. United States District Court for the Central District of Illinois


    The United States District Court for the Central District of Illinois is one of 94 United States district courts. The district operates out of courthouses in Peoria, Urbana, Springfield and Rock Island, Illinois .

  11. ELECTRONIC FILING SYSTEM - U.S. District Court ILCD - United...


    CENTRAL DISTRICT OF ILLINOIS: Court's Email Address: Please contact the Clerk's Office in writing or via telephone.