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  2. OST file error on adding additional mailbox in Outlook 2016...


    I am trying to add second user's mailbox in Outlook 2016 on a Remote Desktop Server session of first user. The ...

  3. Mailbox quota warning interval messages -...


    The warning message will send at a default time everyday when the mailbox size is reaching IssueWarningQuota, as you mentioned previously, it will send at 1:00AM every day, and this action will be repeated. Also as Satheshwaran mentioned, if the mailbox is Full, this action will stop. Cheers. Zi Feng

  4. Exchange 2010 - Users will Full Access Permission do not have ...


    Title explains it but I will outline the problem: We are running Exchange 2010 and have many users that require ...

  5. 'Sent' folder not showing sent emails from shared account.


    I have access to my manager's Outlook Office 365 email account with "Owner" rights. The items in the "Inbox" all ...

  6. Outlook disconnected after mailbox migration -...


    Hi, I found lot of resources but not exactly for my problems. I hope you can help me ! I translated all errors ...

  7. I want share emails folders in outlook 2013. -...


    I want to share a folder in outlook 2013 between two users. To receive the same email on that folder how can i do ...

  8. Outlook 2013 personal email folders disappear


    My emails are filed in a number of folders and sub folders. Some emails, but not all suddenly disappear from a sub ...

  9. Outlook returns email from user not in Active Directory


    Outlook 2007. User sends email to a group in the GAL. User receives back a message that the "account does not exist ...

  10. Outlook 2013 search in inbox with several subfolders


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  11. How do I troubleshoot proxy mailboxes? -...


    I have set up a Exchange 2010-2016 co-existence environment for our users to tide us over until everyone has been ...