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  2. How to create a PDF-out-of-Sphinx-documentation-tool


    Succeeded in Pdf Generation via Latex (for windows 10)... No need to change existing conf.py file in Sphinx... the best solution is install MiKTeX....install Perl (ActiveState).... after when running sphinx type 'make HTML' type 'make latex' and then make latexPdf... this solved my issue.

  3. I used pydoc from the command-line in Windows 7 using Python 3.2.3: python "<path_to_pydoc_>\pydoc.py" -w myModule This led to my shell being filled with text, one line for each file in my module, saying: no Python documentation found for '<file_name>' It's as if Pydoc's trying to get documentation for my files, but I want to autocreate it.

  4. The Python official site offers PDF documentation downloads, but they are separated by chapters. I downloaded the source code and built the PDF documentation, which were separate PDFs also. How can I build one PDF file from the Makefile in the source code? I think that would be more convenient to read.

  5. How can I process a pdf using OpenAI's APIs (GPTs)?


    You could also choose to extract images from pdf and feed those separately making a multi-model architecture. I have a preference for the first. Ideally experiments should be run to see what produces better results. Text only + images only VS Images (containing both) Pdf to image can be done in python locally as can separating img from pdf.

  6. How to create PDF documentation with Sphinx in Windows


    I am using Sphinx to create documentation for my Python project in Windows. I need to generate PDF documentation. I found many explanation how to do this in Linux, but no good explanation how to do this in Windows. As far as i understand I need to create Latex format with Sphinx, and than use Texworks to convert Latex to PDF.

  7. For example, if I were looking for python documentation, I'd first do a google search for: python documentation pdf... and voila! The first result is exactly what's needed: A single downloadable containing PDFs for Python. There are 27 files, but one of them documents Python core. But I'm not looking for a comprehensive Python documentation.

  8. How to get pdf format of tensorflow documentation?


    I want the pdf version of tensorflow documentation, as pdf is more convenient to read and annotate. There's similar question which is out-of-date. This is the source file of TF documentaion. I don't find pdf generate scripts yet. We may try to transform md/ipynb/html to a pdf, which is kind of troublesome. Is there more straightforward and ...

  9. I want to create a pdf file with the documentation instead, so I tried the following commands. sphinx-build -M pdf source build sphinx-build -b pdf source build sphinx-build -b pdf source build/pdf but in any case I get the following error: Sphinx error: Builder name pdf not registered or available through entry point

  10. I have been looking to convert a .pptx file to a .pdf file through a Python script for several hours but nothing seems to be working. What I have tried: I have tried 1) this script which calls

  11. Download and save PDF file with Python requests module


    The original question was Python 2.7 but I've moved on and now use Python 3. I didn't know about about the pathlib library [new in version 3.4] and will incorporate it into my current projects. – Jim