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  2. How to create a PDF-out-of-Sphinx-documentation-tool


    Succeeded in Pdf Generation via Latex (for windows 10)... No need to change existing conf.py file in Sphinx... the best solution is install MiKTeX....install Perl (ActiveState).... after when running sphinx type 'make HTML' type 'make latex' and then make latexPdf... this solved my issue.

  3. I used pydoc from the command-line in Windows 7 using Python 3.2.3: python "<path_to_pydoc_>\pydoc.py" -w myModule This led to my shell being filled with text, one line for each file in my module, saying: no Python documentation found for '<file_name>' It's as if Pydoc's trying to get documentation for my files, but I want to autocreate it.

  4. How to create PDF files in Python - Stack Overflow


    Python for PDF Generation The Portable Document Format (PDF) lets you create documents that look exactly the same on every platform. Sometimes a PDF document needs to be generated dynamically, however, and that can be quite a challenge. Fortunately, there are libraries that can help. This article examines one of those for Python. Read more at ...

  5. .doc to pdf using python - Stack Overflow


    I'am tasked with converting tons of .doc files to .pdf. And the only way my supervisor wants me to do this is through MSWord 2010. I know I should be able to automate this with python COM automation.

  6. The Python official site offers PDF documentation downloads, but they are separated by chapters. I downloaded the source code and built the PDF documentation, which were separate PDFs also. How can I build one PDF file from the Makefile in the source code? I think that would be more convenient to read.

  7. I would like to take a multi-page pdf file and create separate pdf files per page. I have downloaded reportlab and have browsed the documentation, but it seems aimed at pdf generation. I haven't yet

  8. Python libraries and ebook/pdf files management [closed]


    PDFMiner: Is written entirely in Python, and works well for Python 2.4. For Python 3, use the cloned package PDFMiner.six. Both packages allow you to parse, analyze, and convert PDF documents. This includes the support for PDF 1.7 as well as CJK languages (Chinese, Japanese, and Korean), and various font types (Type1, TrueType, Type3, and CID).

  9. How to create PDF documentation with Sphinx in Windows


    I am using Sphinx to create documentation for my Python project in Windows. I need to generate PDF documentation. I found many explanation how to do this in Linux, but no good explanation how to do this in Windows. As far as i understand I need to create Latex format with Sphinx, and than use Texworks to convert Latex to PDF.

  10. Tika-Python is a Python binding to the Apache Tika™ REST services allowing Tika to be called natively in the Python community. from tika import parser # pip install tika raw = parser.from_file('sample.pdf') print(raw['content']) Note that Tika is written in Java so you will need a Java runtime installed.

  11. Here is the modified version from Oli for python 3. import smtplib from pathlib import Path from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart from email.mime.base import MIMEBase from email.mime.text import MIMEText from email.utils import COMMASPACE, formatdate from email import encoders def send_mail(send_from, send_to, subject, message, files=[], server="localhost", port=587, username ...