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  2. AC-U-KWIK directories provide detailed airport, FBO, ground transportation, charter, caterer, handlers, and maintenance listings.

  3. AC-U-KWIK > About Us


    AC-U-KWIK provides aviation data and information on thousands of airports and vendors. It also offers related products of interest.

  4. Map Search - AC-U-KWIK


    The circles around your point of interest are set at 50, 100 and 150 miles.

  5. Access critical data on the world's airports, FBOs, and business aviation services wherever you are. Package includes one (1) current edition of the North American Airport/FBO Directory, one (1) current edition of the International Airport/FBO Directory, one (1) current edition of the AC-U-KWIK Managers' World Edition, and a one-year subscription to AC-U-KWIK PRO (includes online and app access).



    AC-U-KWIK PREMIUM - An annual subscription providing access to regularly updated information for airports, FBOs, and aviation support services. Includes exclusive features only available to Premium subscribers. Premium data includes direct phone numbers and email addresses for contacts at over 24,000 international and domestic airports, heliports and landing facilities.

  7. Search airport services on Acukwik.com


    Providing the aviation industry with the most accurate and up-to-date global airport / FBO directories.

  8. Power Search Airports - AC-U-KWIK


    Providing the aviation industry with the most accurate and up-to-date global airport / FBO directories.

  9. Get Access - AC-U-KWIK


    Includes access to all airports on the ACUKWIK app; Access to the Nearby Airports page (NEW) Clearances; Passport, Visa and Health Tool; International Airport Frequencies – Tower, AFS/AFTN, ATIS, SITA and CTAF; PCN, AOE Remarks, FBO Remarks for All Airports; Phone/Fax for international restrictions and info



    AC-U-KWIK PRO - An annual subscription providing access to data for more 24,000 international and domestic airports, heliports, landing facilities and the Nearby Airports page. Easily locate FBO and airport information for international and domestic airports, maintenance shops and business aviation service providers in both online and app formats.

  11. Corporate Building, 2nd Floor, Office 203, Ezeiza International Airport, Buenos Aires, B1802 EZE