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  2. Our goal is to chronicle a complete history of high school football in the state of Alabama. We also provide other important information including coaching records, state wide polls, state championship summaries, region and area records and much more.

  3. Our goal is to chronicle a complete history of high school football in the state of Mississippi. We will also provide other important information including coaching records, state championship summaries, region and conference records and much more.

  4. Alabama High School Football History - ahsfhs.org


    Great Moments in Alabama High School Football History Hazlewood won five consecutive state championships from 1988-1992. During this span the Golden Bears won 29 playoff games in a row.

  5. Our projections are that there have been approximately 140,000 games played among the Tennessee high school football teams over the past 100 years or so. We are nearing the point to where 75% of these scores are included in our records.

  6. Alabama High School Football History - ahsfhs.org


    First football game played by a high school team when Central Birmingham (Phillips) loses to Alabama 56-0 on November 11. 1918: Most of the season is cancelled when a flu epidemic sweeps the state. 1921: The Alabama High School Athletic Association organized. 1924: The AHSAA joined the National Federation on February 28.

  7. Over the past 100 years, there have been over 150,000 high school football games played in the state of Alabama. While doing the research to find the scores of these games it often seems that scores just turn into numbers without meaning.

  8. Alabama High School Football History - ahsfhs.org


    A History of Alabama High School Football. 209 pages and 8-1/2" x 11". 27 chapters about the best teams in the history of high school football in Alabama. Additional teams in printed version. Buy it now on Amazon. The Dynasties

  9. Mississippi High School Football History - ahsfhs.org


    The History of high school football in Mississippi. * Complete = All information completed. * Researched = Team has been researched to the best of our ability.

  10. Alabama High School Football History - ahsfhs.org

    www.ahsfhs.org/Teams2/teampage.asp?Team=J.B. Pennington

    Great Moments in Alabama High School Football History Bart Starr received coaching from Kentucky great Babe Parilli his senior season at Sidney Lanier in hopes of joining Bear Bryant at Kentucky. He had to settle for Alabama.

  11. AHSFHS.org Forums


    8 Man Football This forum will be used to exchange infomation about the 8 man football teams, scores and coaches. If you have information about any 8 man team you are welcome to post it here.