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  2. Flag of Palau - Wikipedia


    The Flag of Palau was adopted on 1 January 1981, when the island group separated from the United Nations Trust Territory. As with the flags of several other Pacific island groups, light blue is the color used to represent the ocean and the nation's place within it.

  3. Flag of Palau | Meaning, Colors & History | Britannica


    national flag consisting of a blue field with a prominent, off-centre golden disk. The flag’s width-to-length ratio is 5 to 8. As part of the United States-administered Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands (TTPI), Palau was under the flags of the United Nations, the United States, and the Trust Territory.

  4. Flag of Palau – PalauGov.pw


    The flag of Palau has been adopted on 1st January 1981, when the archipelago decided to separate from the territory of the Pacific Islands and it was proclaimed a republic under the protection of the United States. The flag is composed of a pale blue sheet and a yellow circle centered slightly toward the left side of the flag.

  5. The national flag of Palau is light blue with a large yellow disk shifted slightly to the hoist side; the blue color represents the ocean, the disk represents the moon; Palauans consider the full moon to be the optimum time for human activity; it is also considered a symbol of peace, love, and tranquility.

  6. Flag of Palau - Flagpedia.net


    The flag of Palau has been adopted on 1st January 1981, when the archipelago decided to separate from the territory of the Pacific Islands and it was proclaimed a republic under the protection of the United States. The flag is composed of a pale blue sheet and a yellow circle centered slightly toward the left side of the flag.

  7. Palau Flag Design and Symbolic Meaning. The flag of Palau was formally accepted on January 1, 1981. The blue arena is illustrative of governmental freedom, and not of the nearby Pacific Ocean.

  8. Meaning of the flag of Palau. The blue background symbolizes peace, tranquility, harmony with nature, and the vastness of the sky and water of the Pacific Ocean surrounding the islands; The golden circle, which is slightly offset from the center to the left edge, symbolizes the full moon.

  9. Flag Of Palau - TheFlags.org


    The national flag of Palau was officially adopted on January 1, 1981, when the island group separated from the United Nations Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. The flag is light blue with a large yellow disk shifted slightly to the hoist side of the center.

  10. Explore the symbolism and history of the Palauan flag, and view its official image, design, colors, and emoji.

  11. The Flag of Palau - FlagDB


    The flag of Palau features a light blue field with a large yellow disk shifted slightly to the hoist side. The light blue color symbolizes the ocean and the country's place within it, while the yellow disk represents the full moon, which is significant in Palauan culture for its association with peace, love, and tranquility.