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  2. Consulado de México en Houston - SRE


    El Consulado General de México en Houston se complace en anunciar la publicación del quinto número de su Newsletter. CIAM 520 623 7874 Documentos de Identidad

  3. Consulado General de México en Houston - SRE


    If you are coming to Houston for the sole purpose of obtaining a Mexican Visa, we encourage you to plan a minimum stay of 1 to 3 working days for your request to be processed. The time to process a Mexican visa may vary from one to ten business days .

  4. Permanent Resident Through pension or retirement - SRE -...


    Pension that yields a monthly income of at least 500 days of the current general minimum wage in Mexico City (approx. $7,323.52 USD) after taxes, during each of the previous 6 months. To prove this, you need to provide:

  5. Tourist Visa Financial Requirements - SRE - Secretaría de...


    The Visa will only be valid for the time frame indicated on the document, and will only be valid for one entry, in order to finalize the process with Mexican Immigration. The Visa fee is $53.00 USD and non-refundable. Please note that in case of refusal of visa, the payment is not refundable.

  6. Temporary Resident Visa | Financial Solvency - SRE - Secretaría...


    Employment or Pension that yields a monthly income of at least 300 days of the current general minimum wage in Mexico City (approx. $4,394.00 USD) after taxes, during each of the previous 6 months. To prove this, you need to provide:

  7. CONSULADO - SRE - Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores


    El Consulado General de México en Houston, está, como todas las oficinas consulares de México, al servicio de la comunidad. El personal de esta oficina consular está atento para brindarles un buen servicio, amable y expedito, así como para resolver sus dudas y necesidades.

  8. Pasaporte - SRE - Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores


    Consulado General de México en Houston; CONSULADO . Misión y Visión; Directorio; Cónsul Titular. Semblanza Español; English Version

  9. Directorio - SRE - Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores


    Citas para trámites consulares (MiConsulado): 424 309 0009 ó por internet: citas.sre.gob.mx CIAM (Centro de Información y Asistencia a Mexicanos): (520) 623-7874

  10. Doble Nacionalidad - SRE


    Houston, Texas 10555 Richmond Ave (Entrada por 3200 Rogerdale Rd.) Houston TX 77042 WEB | Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo. | Twitter | Facebook. Detalles

  11. Types of Visas - SRE


    The Temporary Resident visa does not allow the bearer to perform paid activities, but once in Mexico, the National Institute of Migration may issue a work permit if requested. More information (click here) Permanent Resident Visa. Maximum length of stay: no limit; Purpose of Visit: permanently resides in Mexico. Through Pension/Retirement | Spanish