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The AP German Language and Culture exam administered around the end of the academic year is split into two parts, a multiple choice section and a free response section, each with equal value in the overall exam score.
AP Capstone, officially known as the Advanced Placement Capstone Diploma Program, is a 2-year program for high school students developed by the College Board that consists of two courses: the AP Seminar and AP Research. [1]
When the AP Reading is over for a particular exam, the free response scores are combined with the results of computer-scored multiple-choice questions based upon a previously announced weighting. The Chief Reader (a college or university faculty member selected by the Educational Testing Service and The College Board ) then meets with members ...
Formerly, the test was scored by awarding 1 point for correct answers, while taking off a 1/4 point for incorrect answers. No points were taken away for blank answers. However, the College Board discontinued the policy for all AP Exams in 2011; now, they only award 1 point for each correct answer, with no 1/4 point deductions.
Advanced Placement (AP) United States Government and Politics (often shortened to AP Gov or AP GoPo and sometimes referred to as AP American Government or simply AP Government) is a college-level course and examination offered to high school students through the College Board's Advanced Placement Program.
Section I of the exam consists of four-option multiple choice questions; the total number varies each year. The first half of the section is listening-based; the proctor will begin playing a provided CD, and the exam will begin. Each question or group of questions is based on a musical selection or an auditory stimulus.
Number of Questions Time allotted Exam Weight Section I, Part A: Multiple Choice Questions: 55 questions: 55 minutes: 40% Section I, Part B: Short-Answer Questions: 3 questions (2 required questions + 1 chosen from 2 others) 40 minutes: 20% Section II Part A: Document-Based Question: 1 question: recommended 60 minutes (includes 15-minute ...
Exams are administered on a computer in a lab style setting. Final results are available immediately after completing the exam. CLEP tests are primarily multiple-choice exams (though some include fill-in or ordering questions, and one College Composition exam has an essay section) which are scored on a scale from 20 to 80.