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  2. The top 10 global weather and climate change events of 2021


    Below is a list of the top-10 weather and climate change events of 2021, as rated by the impacts on humans and/or meteorological significance. 1. The most extreme heat wave in world history. Never in the century-plus history of world weather observation have so many all-time heat records fallen by such a large margin than in the historic late ...

  3. Climate change and droughts: What’s the connection?


    Climate change, namely rising average temperatures driven by human-generated emissions of heat-trapping greenhouse gases, is contributing to droughts, too. Drought conditions across the contiguous United States as of August 10, 2021. Around 40% of the U.S. is experiencing drought. (Source: U.S. Drought Monitor/Drought.gov)

  4. The Catholic Church and Climate Change


    The Catholic Coalition on Climate Change and its campaign for education and action, called the Catholic Climate Covenant, is the primary instrument of the Church’s activism on the climate issue. The coalition, which includes Catholic Charities USA, Catholic Relief Services, the Franciscan Action Network and other groups, was launched in 2006 ...

  5. What is ‘climate justice’? - Yale Climate Connections


    1) Climate justice begins with recognizing key groups are differently affected by climate change. From the United Nations and the IPCC to the NAACP, many organizations are connecting the dots between civil rights and climate change. As a UN blog describes it: “The impacts of climate change will not be borne equally or fairly, between rich and ...

  6. What is climate change adaptation, and why does it matter?


    Here are seven ways communities are adapting to climate change. 1. Prepare for longer, more intense fire seasons. Drier, warmer conditions spell more wildfire for the West. Communities are adapting to this reality in a number of ways, like the California town putting goats to work clearing brush.

  7. How to talk about climate change: Ask questions


    The good news is, more Americans than you might think are coming around to the reality of climate change. As the chart below shows, when survey respondents are asked to guess the percentage of Americans who believe global warming is happening, they usually underestimate the true number. The reality: 76% of American adults (93% of Democrats, 58% ...

  8. Heat waves and climate change: Is there a connection?


    Heat waves were seen in nearly every corner of the globe in July 2023, and climate change made them more likely according to World Weather Attribution, a research group based in the U.K. “Without human induced climate change these heat events would however have been extremely rare,” states a report published on the World Weather Attribution ...

  9. The top 10 weather and climate events of a record-setting year


    The Northern Sea Route along the northern coast of Russia finally froze shut on November 3, after being open a record 112 days, and 2020 was the busiest shipping season ever for natural gas tankers in the Arctic, according to Bloomberg. 9. U.S. withdrawal from Paris Climate Accord and election of Joe Biden.

  10. The companies that have contributed most to climate change


    Sometimes, in our struggle to address climate change, we need to see ourselves as facing not an incredibly complex (or “wicked”) problem (and one to which most of us contribute) but a clear-cut adversary. The world’s biggest fossil fuel companies inevitably make good candidates for that role, partly because they have done so much to delay ...

  11. Scientists agree: Climate change is real and caused by people


    The scientific consensus that climate change is happening and that it is human-caused is strong. Scientific investigation of global warming began in the 19th century, and by the early 2000s, this research began to coalesce into confidence about the reality, causes, and general range of adverse effects of global warming.