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  2. 3ABN - Three Angels Broadcasting Network


    Jay Christian 3ABN Radio Network. Jay Christian is the General Manager of 3ABN Radio. Arriving at 3ABN in 1999 with extensive experience in radio and television, God had prepared Jay to step into this position and rapidly expand our radio ministry. 3ABN Radio has stations and affiliate networks throughout the U.S., Australia, New Zealand, Africa, and—among others—the Philippines.

  3. Three Angels Broadcasting Network began in the early morning hours of November 15, 1984 when Danny Shelton, a carpenter from Southern Illinois, was kept awake by troubling thoughts. As he recalled the Christian television stations where he and his daughter Melody had sung gospel music, he felt concerned about the way God was misrepresented at ...

  4. For Such a Time as This - Three Angels Broadcasting Network


    Jill Morikone, 3ABN’s Vice President and COO, agrees. “There is no doubt that this ministry is God-ordained,” she says. “God called Danny to raise up a ministry that would proclaim the three angels’ mes - sages of Revelation 14 to the world, and 3ABN has been faithful to that vision. What a gift to be able to watch Danny in action.

  5. 3ABN - Three Angels Broadcasting Network


    3ABN Today Live. Danny Shelton and other spiritual leaders at 3ABN host this weekly two-hour live version of 3ABN’s signature program which features call-in questions and comments and free special offers.

  6. In 1984, when Danny Shelton was impressed by God to “build a television station that would reach the world,” only satellite transmissions made that remotely possible; but with God’s blessings, just two years later, 3ABN was available on satellite over all of North America.

  7. G KEEPING THE MESSAGE UNDILUTED - Three Angels Broadcasting...


    Illinois, was donated to 3ABN by a lady who heard how Danny Shelton was trying to build a Christian tele-vision station that would reach the world with the gospel. When satellite interference studies were done by Scientific Atlanta, they discovered that this small piece of donated property was the only place for miles around where

  8. MAGAZINE - Three Angels Broadcasting Network


    WATCH 3ABN’S 37TH ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL Thursday, November 11 at 8:00 p.m. CENTRAL (UTC–6) “I WILL GIVE YOU NATIONS” I n the early morning hours of November 15, 1984, God impressed 3ABN founder, Danny Shelton, to build a television station that would reach the world with the undiluted three angels’ messages of Revelation 14.

  9. 3ABN World Magazine - April 2016 - Three Angels Broadcasting...


    to 3ABN’s Donation Center.” YOUR GENEROSITY GOES FAR Bruce and Tammy came to 3ABN when her brother Danny Shelton was impressed to ask viewers to donate items of value that could be transferred into funds to further the work of the Lord. “Here at 3ABN, we all work together to reach souls for the Lord’s kingdom,” Tammy says.

  10. 3ABN World Magazine - March 2016 - Three Angels Broadcasting...


    We hope 3ABN World is a blessing, and we’d love to hear from you. To subscribe, change your subscription, or send us feedback, please contact us! By phone: 618-627-4651 Sunday–Saturday, 8:00 a.m.–11:00 p.m.; (Central Time)

  11. Mailing Address: PO Box 220 West Frankfort, IL 62896 . Phone: (618) 627-4651