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  2. How to List All Windows Services using PowerShell or Command Line


    The simplest command for listing Windows services on PowerShell is Get-Service. It shows all services on your computer, along with their status and names. The only problem is that the list of services can be pretty long.

  3. Windows Services complete list with Short Name and Display Name -...


    A comprehensive list of most - if not all - Windows Services available, together with their system ShortName and Display Name.

  4. Windows: List Services - CMD & PowerShell - ShellHacks


    How to list services in Windows (all, stopped, running) using the command-line prompt (CMD) or the PowerShell. And how to search for a specific service in Windows.

  5. How to open and use Windows Services Manager (Services.msc)


    Learn how to open & use Services Manager (Services.msc) & Start, Stop, Resume, Disable Windows Services using Command Line in Windows 11/10.

  6. Get-Service (Microsoft.PowerShell.Management) - PowerShell


    The Get-Service cmdlet gets objects that represent the services on a computer, including running and stopped services. By default, when Get-Service is run without parameters, all the local computer's services are returned.

  7. Windows - List Services using CMD and Powershell - Ryadel


    In this post we'll see some useful command-line prompt (CMD) and Powershell commands that can be used from most Windows environments (including Windows 10 and Windows Server) to list the installed / active / inactive services, as well as search for a specific service in Windows.

  8. Many Windows services run from a .DLL file rather than a .EXE which can be launched directly. Svchost.exe is a reusable shell used to launch a DLL file and startup the relevant service. The task manager in Windows 10 lists these processes under Service Host: Name of Service. Disabling Services

  9. How to list all Windows Services using command line - The Windows...


    You can use the Command Prompt or the Get-Service PowerShell cmdlet to generate a list of Running or Stopped Windows Services & more, on your Windows 11/10 computer.

  10. The built-in Get-Service PowerShell cmdlet can be used to get a list of Windows services, check their statuses, filter them by name or service status. Let’s learn how to use Get-Service to check Windows services.

  11. 3 Way to List All Running Services on Local and Remote Windows...


    If you ever want to see a list of running services on a local or remote Windows computer, here are 3 ways of doing it. Using Task Manager. If you are on Windows 8.1 or 10, you can use Task Manager to find all the running services.