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The word olive does follow the vowel-consonant-vowel pattern.Remember that the only vowels in the American Alphabet are A,E,I,O, and U; Everything else is a consonant.When the word olive is broken ...
The word "Day" has the following make up: D: consonant A: vowel Y: both The consonant "d"-sound is followed by the vowel-consonant "-ay" sound. Why is w? W is a consonant because it is not a vowel.
A vowel is any of the following letters: a, e, i, o, u,and sometimes y.A consonant is all of the other letters in the alphabet. Keep in mind that y is both a vowel and a consonant.
CCVC stands for consonant-consonant-vowel-consonant and refers to a four-letter word with a consonant-consonant-vowel-consonant pattern (e.g., crab, trip). What letter is a consonant but has a ...
The term "vowel consonant e" (VCE) is a pronunciation tool in learning how to speak English. Generally, when an e follows a vowel-consonant pair (the word "male", for example), the e is silent and ...
Any and all words that are spelled that way: consonant vowel consonant silent e. Examples : wine, dine, cane, zone, bane, bone, tine, mine, and so forth.
A vowel consonant E syllable is a syllable that consists of a vowel followed by a consonant and then an "E." The presence of the silent "E" at the end of the syllable often ...
Sometimes it can take the place of a vowel, as in the word "Bye" but there are only 5 true vowels, A, E, I, O and U.Dissenting OpinionThe "y" being a vowel or consonant is dependent on the ...
The term "vowel consonant e" (VCE) is a pronunciation tool in learning how to speak English. Generally, when an e follows a vowel-consonant pair (the word "male", for example), the e is silent and ...
A vowel consonant E syllable is a syllable that consists of a vowel followed by a consonant and then an "E." The presence of the silent "E" at the end of the syllable often ...