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Mafia Wars is a text and picture-based game on Facebook, where you climb the crime ladder by growing your mafia, completing missions and fighting against other families. The game is set in New ...
As much as Zynga's Mafia Wars has found its way into the everyday lives of Facebook fans, new users quickly discover that learning to play a game that lacks a manual or tutorial isn't easy. Armed ...
When Zynga told us that we'd need to rely on our friends more than ever to progress through the Mafia Wars: Moscow, we thought they just wanted us to spam add more friends and help the game stay ...
In Mafia Wars, you'll need to buy property and create buildings in order to make serious cash that you'll use to buy new properties and equip your mafia in.
Getting to the Consigliere Tier in Mafia Wars New York hopefully means that you've mastered the first six tiers that precede it. Yet a new and rare prerequisite item now comes into play with the ...
The most obvious way to earn experience points in Mafia War is by using up your energy to do jobs. The obvious strategy here is that if your goal is to level up, using the lowest amount of energy ...
One of the consumable items you're going to need to complete jobs in Mafia Wars Las Vegas is a Car Key Copy. Much like the Wire Tap Device or Untraceable Cell Phone in New York, you have to earn ...
As any dedicated Mafia Wars player knows, the best way to outgun and outrun your opponents is by having as large a mafia as possible, so that each member of that mafia can bring in its own ...