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Results from the WOW.Com Content Network was one of the first efforts to create an open data ecosystem—using data as the basis for connecting government agencies, researchers, businesses, and civil society. Communities of practice were created around key topics such as climate , providing a way for researchers to ask for data and to coordinate work across government agencies.
Many governments publish open data they produce or commission on official websites to be freely used, reused, or redistributed by anyone. [1] [2] These sites are often created as part of open government initiatives.
The Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act (Evidence Act) is a United States law that establishes processes for the federal government to modernize its data management practices, evidence-building functions, and statistical efficiency to inform policy decisions. [1]
The economic data published on FRED are widely reported in the media and play a key role in financial markets. In a 2012 Business Insider article titled "The Most Amazing Economics Website in the World", Joe Weisenthal quoted Paul Krugman as saying: "I think just about everyone doing short-order research — trying to make sense of economic issues in more or less real time — has become a ...
Requires such data standards, to the extent reasonable and practicable, to: (1) incorporate widely accepted common data elements and a widely accepted, nonproprietary, searchable, platform-independent, computer-readable format; (2) include government-wide universal identifiers for federal awards and entities; (3) be consistent with and ... was launched on March 19, 2015 with data for about 300 (out of 1350) .gov domains, including every cabinet department. [2] [3] [4] [5]On February 18, 2016, introduced agency-specific dashboards for its participating agencies: users could now filter to results only from that specific agency.
If data quality is not managed properly, it can result in financial losses, inefficient implementation of MI strategies and failure to comply with government regulations. [31] A reason for financial loss is due operational costs , as there is an increase in resources and time spent to identify and fix the dirty data .
In the 1970s the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration began releasing weather information, which could now be called "open data". [1]After Korean Air Lines Flight 007, a Boeing 747 carrying 269 people, was shot down in 1983 after straying into the USSR's prohibited airspace, [2] in the vicinity of Sakhalin and Moneron Islands, President Ronald Reagan issued a directive making the ...