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  2. Salvation - Biblical Meaning and Definition in Christianity


    The objective basis and means of salvation is God's sovereign and gracious choice to be "God with us" in the person of Jesus Christ, who is described as both author and mediator of salvation through his life, death, and resurrection.

  3. What Does “Salvation” Mean? - Ligonier Ministries


    But what is salvation? What does it mean for someone to be saved? The Scriptures provide us with several distinct answers to this question. The Bible reveals that God saves believers from their sin, the power of Satan, death, and the judgment to come.

  4. What is the Christian doctrine of salvation? - GotQuestions.org


    In the Christian doctrine of salvation, God has rescued us through Jesus Christ (John 3:17). Specifically, it was Jesus’ death on the cross and subsequent resurrection that achieved our salvation (Romans 5:10; Ephesians 1:7).

  5. Bible Dictionary: Salvation


    1. (n.) The act of saving; preservation or deliverance from destruction, danger, or great calamity. 2. (n.) The redemption of man from the bondage of sin and liability to eternal death, and the conferring on him of everlasting happiness. 3. (n.) Saving power; that which saves. International Standard Bible Encyclopedia. SALVATION. sal-va'-shun:

  6. Unpacking the Bible Definition of Salvation: A Comprehensive ...


    Key Takeaways. The Bible defines salvation as the deliverance and redemption of humanity from sin and its consequences. Salvation is obtained through faith in Jesus Christ, offering forgiveness, reconciliation with God, and the gift of eternal life.

  7. Salvation: An Overview - The Gospel Coalition


    Definition. “Salvation,” as the term implies, is “rescue” – rescue from hell but also from sin itself, its power and ultimately its very presence. Summary. Salvation is a widely-encompassing theme in Scripture presented from a variety of perspectives and entailing a variety of benefits.

  8. What Is Salvation? - Faithward.org


    Salvation is Gods grace. It is the gift of freedom from our sins that Jesus made possible by taking the punishment for our sins on the cross. Through this gift, 1 John 1:9 promises that “If we confess our sins, he who is faithful and just will forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”.

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