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In the Frankenstein–Dracula Variation of the Vienna Game (1.e4 e5 2.Nc3 Nf6 3.Bc4 Nxe4), threatening checkmate with 4.Qh5 is the only way for White to play for an advantage. The Modern Defense, Monkey's Bum variation involves White threatening a Scholar's mate with an early Qf3.
White can achieve a checkmate similar to fool's mate. When the roles are reversed, however, White requires an extra third turn or half-move, known in computer chess as a ply . In both cases, the principle is the same: a player advances their f- and g-pawns such that the opponent's queen can mate along the unblocked diagonal.
The scholar's mate (also known as the four-move checkmate) is the checkmate achieved by the moves: 1. e4 e5 2. Qh5 Nc6 3. Bc4 Nf6?? 4. Qxf7# The moves might be played in a different order or in slight variation, but the basic idea is the same: the queen and bishop combine in a simple mating attack on f7 (or f2 if Black is performing the mate). [46]
The checkmate is named after Richard Réti, who delivered it in an 11-move game [24] against Savielly Tartakower in 1910 in Vienna. It works by trapping the enemy king with four of its own pieces that are situated on flight squares and then attacking it with a bishop that is protected by a rook or queen.
A directmate with the stipulation "White to move and checkmate Black in no more than n moves against any defence" where n is greater than 3. In composition tourneys, there are often separate classes for more-movers, two-movers and three-movers (as well as classes for helpmates, selfmates and others).
f7 (following move 1), e5 (move 4), d7 (move 6), c5 (move 13), and b7 (move 14) In this position, White has completed phase 1, driving the black king to the h8-corner. Since White has a light-squared bishop, the knight must be used to control the dark squares on the 8th rank, forcing the black king to the h1-square.
Moremovers: White to move and checkmate Black in n moves against any defence, where n is some particular number greater than three. Helpmates: Black to move first cooperates with White to get Black's own king mated in a specified number of moves. Selfmates: White moves first and forces Black (in a specified number of moves) to checkmate White.
4. G*52. Dropping the gold on the 52 square gives checkmate. If White had not created the wall structure with the gold and silver stacked on 72 and 71, respectively, White's king could have moved rightward or, even better, the gold in its starting position on 61 could have defended the 52 square.