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  2. ZIP CodeLookup | USPS


    Enter a corporate or residential street address, city, and state to see a specific ZIP Code ™. Enter city and state to see all the ZIP Codes ™ for that city. Enter a ZIP Code ™ to see the cities it covers. A ZIP Code result does not confirm that a person or company is at that address.

  3. USPS - Find a ZIP Code


    Enter an address and receive the ZIP+4 code. Here you will find ZIP Code frequently asked questions. Check online and get the answers quickly. Find publications and guides to assist you in managing your addresses. Retrieve information on Postal abbreviations quickly and easily.

  4. Address Information System (AIS) Viewer | PostalPro - USPS


    Address LookupLookup individual addresses to verify/obtain the correct 5-digit ZIP Code, ZIP + 4 code, carrier route code, county code, delivery point code, and check digit code.

  5. Look Up a ZIP Code™ - USPS | PostalPro


    Click here to Look up ZIP Codes™ for corporate and residential addresses. ZIP Code by Address Enter street address, city, and state to see a specific ZIP Code.

  6. Welcome | USPS


    Welcome to USPS.com. Track packages, pay and print postage with Click-N-Ship, schedule free package pickups, look up ZIP Codes, calculate postage prices, and find everything you need for sending mail and shipping packages.

  7. Find ZIP+4 Codes™ for any USPS® address. Lookup ZIP+4 Codes™ by single address, batch or API. Learn what they are and what they mean too. Use it free.

  8. Delivery Address - Postal Explorer


    Use the free ZIP Code Lookup and the ZIP+4 code lookup on the Postal Explorer website (left frame) to find the correct ZIP Codes and ZIP+4 codes for your addresses. Almost 25% of all mailpieces have something wrong with the address -- for instance, a missing apartment number or a wrong ZIP Code.

  9. Check the Addresses - Postal Explorer


    Use the NDI to target the address elements you need to get the delivery -- and postage price -- you want. For example, if you are targeting a specific 5-digit ZIP Code, look for an NDI of 100% for address element. The Postal Service offers many ways to check the accuracy of your list.

  10. How to Check an Address with USPS | Tutorial - YouTube


    Trying to make sure your address is mailable by the USPS? This can be done directly on the USPS website. First, go to USPS.com. At the top, under quick tools, select look up a ZIP Code....

  11. Free Zip Code Finder and Lookup


    Find the ZIP Code, County, and +4 of any U.S. Address. Address for ZIP Code of Address; ZIP Code of Address City; ZIP Code of Address State