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  2. What is Communication? | Concept & Importance - Lesson -...


    Communication is the actionable transfer of information from one person, group, or place to another by writing, speaking, or using a medium that provides a means of understanding.

  3. Levinson's Theory of Adulthood Development - Study.com


    Levinson's theory comprises seven stages of development. The first stage, Pre-Adulthood, runs from birth until age 22. Toward the end of this stage, between the ages of 17 and 22, the individual ...

  4. Channel in Communication | Definition, Types & Examples


    The accuracy of the information received through communication is dependent on the type of medium or channel used. The definition of communication is the flow of information backward, forward, and ...

  5. APA Citation | Format, Usage & Examples - Lesson - Study.com


    and URL, if an online journal (in APA 7th edition, a DOI should be listed in URL format). A standard journal article reference would look like this: Smith, J.W. (2021). Title of article: Continued ...

  6. Implied Main Idea | Overview & Examples - Lesson | Study.com


    To imply is to state something indirectly. An implied main idea is an indirectly stated main point or argument. The listener or reader must use clues and prior knowledge to make an inference (a ...

  7. Chief Legislator in Government | Definition, Roles & Examples


    Jack Woerner. BA in Political Science with Emphasis on Social Studies Education at Brevard College, 6 years experience (2 years online) teaching Economics, Personal Finance, APUS Government and more.

  8. 8 Characteristics of Life in Biology | Properties & Examples


    1) Reproduction - Two cats mating and giving birth to kittens. 2) Metabolism - Photosynthesis in plants (creating usable energy). 3) Response to stimuli - Seeking shade when it becomes too hot.

  9. Phenomenological Research | Approach, Model & Methods


    Learn about phenomenological research. Review the phenomenological approach, including research models, design, and interpretation. Review research...

  10. Author's Purpose | Definition, Types & Examples - Study.com


    What is the author's purpose? See author's purpose examples, types, and definition. Learn that authors often hope to persuade, inform, and entertain.

  11. Compound Sentence | Definition, Structure & Examples - Study.com


    What is a compound sentence? Learn how to write and identify the compound sentence structure with the following explanations and compound sentence examples.