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Download latest HUIDU LED Software such as HDPlayer, HDSet, HD Show, HD2020 and HD2018 for Asynchronous or Synchronous LED display control system, full color or single color LED Control card. HDPlayer is LED software that can allow the user to control the HUIDU LED controller.
Download the latest or older versions of HDPlayer LED software for free, a tool to control HUIDU LED controllers. HDPlayer supports asynchronous and synchronous LED displays, and offers a simple and friendly interface.
Download software, firmware, instruction manual and specification for LED display control system and LCD Android motherboard. Find online message, company profile, time line and corporate environment of Huidu Technology.
HD2016 is a freeware application that lets you set up and manage HUIDU LED display control cards. You can create text animations without coding, control each pixel, and support Windows XP/7/8/10/11.
Huidu HDPlayer is an indispensable tool for LED display screens. Advanced control functions and wide compatibility with various control cards provide unparalleled flexibility and convenience. With free download and detailed user manual, it has never been easier to start using Huidu HDPlayer.
HD Show is a completely free, easy-to-install LED playback software that is used to synchronously broadcast various information to LED displays by supporting popular files such as images, video, clocks, text, streaming media, or even screen capture displays.
Huidu Technology is a professional display control system solution provider that offers various products and software for LED and LCD screens. Download the latest versions of HDPlayer, HDSet, HD Show, HD2020 and other software for different controllers and applications.
Download Huidu HDPlayer V7.8.76.0 software from Olympian LED, a brand of LED display products. Note that this is not an official Huidu website and we do not support or endorse Huidu products.
Discover and free download all HuiDu software resources to empower your LED display systems including HDPlayer, HDSet, HDSign, and LCD Control software & user manuals. LedInCloud aims to provide the latest Huidu software and user guides for you.
Huidu is a company that provides LED control system, video processor, cloud service, LCD, Android board and software solutions. To download the firmware, software specification and instruction manual, please contact the sales technician or distributors and partners listed on the web page.