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  2. How to list row count of each table in the database. Some equivalent of. ... If you're using SQL Server 2005 and up, you can also use this: t.NAME AS TableName, i.name as indexName, p.[Rows], sum(a.total_pages) as TotalPages, . sum(a.used_pages) as UsedPages, . sum(a.data_pages) as DataPages, (sum(a.total_pages) * 8) / 1024 as TotalSpaceMB, .

  3. sql server - SQL count rows in a table - Stack Overflow


    I need to send a SQL query to a database that tells me how many rows there are in a table. I could get all the rows in the table with a SELECT and then count them, but I don't like to do it this way. Is there some other way to ask the number of the rows in a table to the SQL server?

  4. 1) SELECT COUNT(*) AS TOTAL_ROWS FROM <TABLE_NAME> Result Row Count: 508534 Console output: Affected rows: 0 Found rows: 1 Warnings: 0 Duration for 1 query: 0.125 sec. Takes a while for a table with large number of rows, but the row count is very exact. 2) SHOW TABLE STATUS or SHOW TABLE STATUS WHERE NAME="<TABLE_NAME>"

  5. 4 Ways to Count Rows in SQL Server Table with Pros and Cons


    There are various ways to count the number of rows in a table of SQL Server. This article will describe them for you to always choose the right way to do it. We can get the Count of rows of the table with any of the following methods: Use COUNT() function. Combining SQL Server catalog views. Using sp_spaceused stored procedure.

  6. How to Count the Number of Rows in a Table in SQL


    Use the COUNT aggregate function to count the number of rows in a table. This function takes the name of the column as its argument (e.g., id ) and returns the number of rows for this particular column in the table (e.g., 5).

  7. How to count the number of rows in a table in SQL Server


    The seemingly obvious way to get the count of rows from the table is to use the COUNT function. There are two common ways to do this – COUNT (*) and COUNT (1). Let’s look at COUNT (*) first. The STATISTICS IO output of this query shows that SQL Server is doing a lot of work!

  8. Count Rows in a Table - Visual Database Tools | Microsoft Learn


    Right-click the background of the Diagram pane, then choose Add Group By from the shortcut menu. The Query and View Designer adds a Group By column to the grid in the Criteria pane. Select * (All Columns) in the rectangle representing the table or table-valued object.

  9. Count of rows with the SQL Server COUNT Function


    There are several ways to get the count of records for a SQL Server table and we will look at a few options in this tip. Basic Usage of SQL Server COUNT Function. COUNT is an aggregate function in SQL Server which returns the number of items in a group. COUNT will always return an INT.

  10. SQL COUNT Code Examples - SQL Server Tips


    The SQL COUNT function is an aggregate function that returns the number of rows in a specified table. By default, the COUNT function uses the ALL keyword unless you specify a particular parameter value.

  11. Query to list the number of rows for each table in a SQL Server...


    In this article, I demonstrated how you can use a SQL query to report on the number of rows contained within each table in a SQL Server database. I provided the SQL query listing and walked through it, as well as showcased the kind of results you can expect to see after executing the query in SQL Server Management Studio.