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Pronunciation: It is traditional to think of the Japanese sound systems in terms of syllables not individual sounds. This is because their basic alphabet is a syllabary, or a list of possible syllables. Each of the syllables can be written in Japanese, in Hiragana or Katakana, the two syllabaries. Japanese Syllabary: Romaji. Basic Syllables ...
In Japanese this accent is called 尾高型 odakagata ("tail-high"). If the word does not have an accent, the pitch rises from a low starting point on the first mora or two, and then levels out in the middle of the speaker's range, without ever reaching the high tone of an accented mora. In Japanese this accent is named "flat" (平板式 ...
Ya and ja are used only informally, analogically to the standard da, while the standard desu is by and large used for the polite (teineigo) copula. For polite speech, -masu, desu and gozaimasu are used in Kansai as well as in Tokyo, but traditional Kansai dialect has its own polite forms. Desu is replaced by dasu in Osaka and dosu in Kyoto.
Many generalizations about Japanese pronunciation have exceptions if recent loanwords are taken into account. For example, the consonant [p] generally does not occur at the start of native (Yamato) or Chinese-derived (Sino-Japanese) words, but it occurs freely in this position in mimetic and foreign words. [2]
It is designed for teaching spoken Japanese, and so, it follows Japanese phonology fairly closely. For example, different conjugations of a verb may be achieved by changing the final vowel (as in the chart on the right), thus "bear[ing] a direct relation to Japanese structure" (in Jorden's words [1]), whereas the common Hepburn romanization may require exceptions in some cases, to more clearly ...
すべて Subete の no 人間 ningen は、 wa, 生まれながら umarenagara に ni して shite 自由 jiyū で de あり、 ari, かつ、 katsu, 尊厳 songen と to 権利 kenri と to に ni ついて tsuite 平等 byōdō で de ある。 aru. 人間 Ningen は、 wa, 理性 risei と to 良心 ryōshin と to を o 授けられて sazukerarete おり、 ori, 互い tagai に ni ...
Japanese: The Spoken Language (JSL) is an introductory textbook series for learning Japanese. JSL was written by Eleanor Harz Jorden in collaboration with Mari Noda . Part 1 was published in 1987 by Yale Language Press, Part 2 in 1988, and Part 3 in 1990.
In Japanese, each digit/number has at least one native Japanese (), Sino-Japanese (), and English-origin reading.Furthermore, variants of readings may be produced through abbreviation (i.e. rendering ichi as i), consonant voicing (i.e sa as za; see Dakuten and handakuten), gemination (i.e. roku as rokku; see sokuon), vowel lengthening (i.e. ni as nii; see chōonpu), or the insertion of the ...