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But if you’ve filed already, here’s when you can expect your tax refund in California. You have to file your federal and state tax returns by April 15. California grants an automatic extension ...
The IRS has finally finished issuing refunds to taxpayers who overpaid their taxes in 2021, when stimulus relief tied to COVID-19 provided tax breaks for unemployment benefits to millions of...
The American Rescue Plan made it so that up to $10,200 ($20,400 for married couples filing jointly) of unemployment benefit received in 2020 are tax exempt from federal income tax.
The agency corrected 14 million 2020 tax returns related to unemployment compensation, resulting in $14.8 billion in refunds. ... went into effect after some taxpayers had already filed their tax ...
In a memo released yesterday, the U.S. Labor Department states that workers who were asked to repay unemployment benefits received through the CARES Act might be able to get a refund, although it...
You might need to file an amended tax return using Form 1040-X to get your full refund if the unemployment tax break makes you newly eligible for a tax deduction or credit such as the earned ...
The 2024 tax deadline of April 15, 2025, is fast approaching, and you want to be sure to file your taxes on time. If you’re getting a refund, it’s even more important to file in a timely ...
Your federal or state income tax refunds, disability or future unemployment benefits could also be seized to collect what’s owed. What to do if you receive an overpayment notice 1.