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Turquoise is an opaque, blue-to-green mineral that is a hydrous phosphate of copper and aluminium, with the chemical formula Cu Al 6 (PO 4) 4 8 ·4H 2 O.It is rare and valuable in finer grades and has been prized as a gemstone for millennia due to its hue.
A QFL diagram or QFL triangle is a type of ternary diagram that shows compositional data from sandstones and modern sands, point counted using the Gazzi-Dickinson method. The abbreviations used are as follows: Q – quartz; F – feldspar; L – lithic fragments
This chart is similar to those used in igneous petrology. When plotted correctly, this model of analysis creates a meaningful quantitative classification of sandstones. [24] A sandstone provenance chart is typically based on a QFL chart but allows geologists to visually interpret the different types of places from which sandstones can originate.
Lithic sandstones can have a speckled (salt and pepper) or gray color, and are usually associated with one specific type of lithic fragment (i.e., igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic). [ 1 ] Tectonically, lithic sandstones often form in a wide variety sedimentary depositional environments (including fluvial , deltaic , and alluvial sediments ...
Actinolite. Nephrite (var.); Adamite; Aegirine; Afghanite; Agrellite; Algodonite; Alunite; Amblygonite; Analcime; Anatase; Andalusite. Chiastolite; Andesine ...
As others before him, Folk proposed a classification for sandstones based on the relative abundances of quartz (Q), feldspars (F), and rock fragments (R). These are the main poles of the classification diagram. To define the clan name one must normalize the sum of abundances of quartz, feldspars and rock fragments to 100%.
Whether this consists of you healing in a romantic connection or perhaps coming to terms with a long-buried emotion, follow your heart. On Feb. 25, Mercury will join Saturn in Pisces in a sobering ...
In sedimentary geology, maturity describes the composition and texture of grains in clastic rocks, most typically sandstones, resulting from different amounts of sediment transportation. A sediment is mature when the grains in a sediment become well-sorted and well-rounded due to weathering or abrasion of the grains during transport.