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As "Prospects of fMRI as a Lie Detector" [9] states, fMRIs use electromagnets to create pulse sequences in the cells of the brain. The fMRI scanner then detects the different pulses and fields that are used to distinguish tissue structures and the distinction between layers of the brain, matter type, and the ability to see growths.
An out-of-body experience (OBE or sometimes OOBE) is a phenomenon in which a person perceives the world as if from a location outside their physical body. An OBE is a form of autoscopy (literally "seeing self"), although this term is more commonly used to refer to the pathological condition of seeing a second self, or doppelgänger .
Some focus on the human brain, others on non-human. As the number of databases that seek to disseminate information about the structure, development and function of the brain has grown, so has the need to collate these resources themselves. As a result, there now exist databases of neuroscience databases, some of which reach over 3000 entries. [1]
To demarcate regions of interest in the functional image, one needs to align it with the structural one. Even when whole-brain analysis is done, to interpret the final results, that is to figure out which regions the active voxels fall in, one has to align the functional image to the structural one.
The results were published this week in the New England Journal of Medicine. The study looked at 353 patients who, from the outside, seemed to have lost consciousness due to a brain injury.
EEG-fMRI (short for EEG-correlated fMRI or electroencephalography-correlated functional magnetic resonance imaging) is a multimodal neuroimaging technique whereby EEG and fMRI data are recorded synchronously for the study of electrical brain activity in correlation with haemodynamic changes in brain during the electrical activity, be it normal function or associated with disorders.
The MCSF-test is a behaviour model used to study risk assessment, risk taking, anxiety and security seeking behaviour. It has a completely different design compared to the t-maze, but instead of using a battery of different behaviour models this test can be used to measure a variety of dependent and independent variables.
The test is designed to measure reasoning ability. The results of these tests are then paired with the results of imaging studies and relationships are drawn i.e. higher RPM scores and the increased size of a specific brain structure.